Dealer: (Slaps roof) This one can swallow so many loads.
Had one of these many moons ago, the back window also liked to explode.
That is a massive piece of glass. I’ve never seen a hatch that big before. Wonder if that made it explode easier.
I’ve been told it had to do with the defroster running too hot and it was common with cars of this generation. No idea if that’s true or not.
Oh my
You eat roads? Ew.
Yes. The loads help it go down smooth.
Must be packed with fiber!
…f*cking cool cars; sad to see them go…
…i almost bought a used 9000 in '99; ended up buying a turbobeetle instead which was unfortunately a disposable piece of junk…
I miss Saabs. Friend of mine had one. I had a really shitty Ford but I only envied the one friend’s Saab even though they were constantly fixing it.
I had a 95 SE. Great car.
What’s the appeal of Saabs? I just served a Saabs car club a few days ago and never really thought about it
it’s right there in the marketing