That’s all well and good, but there’s no reason except your own baggage to apply that to this comic.
The more I read your replies, the more I think this is really about your own negative feelings towards women, more than a legitimate concern regarding sexual abuse against men.
That’s all well and good, but there’s no reason except your own baggage to apply that to this comic.
The more I read your replies, the more I think this is really about your own negative feelings towards women, more than a legitimate concern regarding sexual abuse against men.
It is always made into “you are incel” argument, no matter what men say, isn’t it? Feminists are pretty misandrist nowadays.
Did I use the word incel?
But hey, if that keeps happening to you, maybe don’t keep saying things an incel would.
We’re all people in the end, it’s not a team sport.
Good day, Sir.
There you go, this is how you framed me. And yes, women these days do that a lot, and that can be seen in any country with western culture influence.
No need to hand over pessimistic greetings as consolation, thanks. Atleast I know I am not wrong.