Based on DC’s acclaimed graphic novel co-created and illustrated by Dave Gibbons, Watchmen Chapter II, the second part of the all-new animated two-part featu...
Pass. The original material hasn’t aged well. Watchmen was a novelty in the 80’s, which gave it it’s mystique. These days, not so much. And as much as I hate to admit it, I mean really hate to give that meathead dudebro any credit, Snyder’s ending is better.
Pass. The original material hasn’t aged well. Watchmen was a novelty in the 80’s, which gave it it’s mystique. These days, not so much. And as much as I hate to admit it, I mean really hate to give that meathead dudebro any credit, Snyder’s ending is better.
Yeah, I think the comic version works for the comic, but it would have been hard to work that into a movie.
It’s just more convoluted.