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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I suspect the suburb issue is one of car centric US suburbs where you can’t even get out of it without a car, rather than somewhere like the UK, where I effectively live in what is now a suburb of a larger city (if I drove there, it’s about ten miles, through an entirely built up area), but that “suburb” is also a town that’s been here since medieval times with it’s own shops and workplaces and facilities.

    Seems to me the issue is less about low density suburbs, and more about the fact that there’s nothing there apart from rows and rows of identikit housing.

  • We really do not value quiet enough.

    And the people here who’s idea of a utopia is all of us living in Mega City One are the worst of them.

    I used to play WoW with a guy in London, and literally every time he opened his mic to speak, it was a cacophony of sirens and cars and helicopters. I don’t know how people in cities can even here themselves think. Like, great, you can order from 20 different Chinese takeaways but at what cost?