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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think ideas about prevention should be more concerned with the social engineering aspect of this attack. The code itself is certainly cleverly hidden, but any bad actor who gains the kind of access as Jia did could likely pull off something similar without duplicating their specific method or technique.

  • You’re saying we can’t go back in time like this is ancient history. The prime minister of Israel was born one year removed from its founding. There are people who live in Gaza right now who had family and friends who were massacred by the colonists who are presently squatting on their land.

    Would you be willing to make peace with people who forced you from your home, killed your family, and herded you into the largest open air concentration camp in the world? Do you think those people would be content to live in peace with you, when they continue, to this day, to forcibly evict your people from their homes to move in settlers? It is not the Palestinians responsibility to reconcile this, and Israel has no intention of coexisting.