Can someone explain to me why this is worse than Europes VAT tax?
According to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) study, any nation that switches to VAT initially feels the negative impact of reduced tax revenues. In the long run, however, the study concluded that VAT adoption has in the majority of cases increased government revenue and proved effective.
It seems to be proven quite effective, and Europe still has them, so why is Trumps worse/better than a VAT?
Weird they dislike the ECB and the European Union, they give us bangers like bank bail-ins and CBDC, to deal with their strangulation of productivity investment and diminishing living standards.
To demonstrate my skepticism towards the Europeans’ ability to leave behind their zombie banking system, unmarketable debt, and complete dependence on suppressing price discovery - consider the following policy reactions orchestrated by the European Central Bank (ECB) since the 2008-09 crisis:
• European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)
• European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM)
• European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
• Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT)
• Long Term Refinancing Operation (LTRO)
• Long Term Refinancing Operation II (LTRO)
• Long Term Refinancing Operation III (LTRO)
• Tripartite Committee consisting of ECB, IMF, EC agreement (TROIKA)
• Forced austerity and bailouts of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain
• Activation of FED USD Swap Lines
• Asset Purchase Program (APP)
• Corporate sector purchase programme (CSPP)
• Public sector purchase programme (PSPP)
• Asset-backed securities purchase programme (ABSPP)
• Covered Bond Purchase Programme (CBPP)
• Covered Bond Purchase Programme II (CBPP)
• Covered Bond Purchase Programme III (CBPP)
• Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP)
• Quantitative Easing (QE)
• Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP)
• Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP