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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • Basically because every time this happens the burden of debt is passed towards the tax payers. They just built a long toll lane in my city in what was a 2 lane highway. Adding another lane or two would have alleviated traffic immensely. The company that built it owns all profits for approx 50 years. What could have been a 5 lane highway is still two except now you have the option of paying a ridiculous amount of money to not have to deal with the traffic. This is money that could have been spent on improving the city’s other methods of transportation, trains, bicycles, etc.

    It doesn’t affect me personally. I ride a motorcycle every day. It’s just painful to see how private interests are almost never in line with what’s best for constituents

  • As a data center engineer of 10+ years, I struggled to understand this at first. In my world, the hardware does a POST before the OS boots and has an inventory of what hardware components are available, so it shouldn’t matter in what order they are discovered, since the interface names should make a correlation between the interface and the pcie slot that NIC exists in.

    Where the water gets muddled is in virtualized servers. The NICs no longer have a correlation to a specific hardware component, and you may need to configure different interfaces in the virtualized OS for different networks. I think in trying to create a methodology that is agnostic to bare metal/virtualized OSs, it was decided that the naming convention should be uniform.

    Probably seems like bloat to the average admin who is unconcerned with whether these NICs are physical or virtual, they just want to configure their server.

  • Not trying to start an argument here but you sound very far removed from individual contributors, so maybe from your point of view it would simply look like adding it to a pile. More important than adding it to a pile is to make sure there’s systems in place to make sure OSs are patched. You wouldn’t be complaining to the IT/sysadmin guy about your servers’ vulnerability or patching schedules, you’d be talking to your cybersec department who’d have oversight. And if there’s a breach and your only defense is “I added it to the IT guys pile”, 100% you are getting fired as well.

  • Honestly, I used to use self deprecating humor a lot, but it does eat away at your own self esteem if your repeat it enough and it can make others feel inadequate as well. One of the qualities I’ve admired the most in others and that I try to emulate is unapologetically taking responsibility for mistakes or shortcomings. “Wow, I should have caught that. That was silly of me, I’ll do better” is a lot better than something like “now I see why I had to ride the short bus” or “I’m such an idiot” … At the end of the day, no one is perfect, and we shouldn’t hold ourselves or others to unachievable standards. We should just always strive to do better.

  • Honestly, whether or not we agree with the approach of Linus, these kind of disagreements happen in the real world. Tensions run high. Recently I’ve been on calls where things need to be implemented this month, during a time where most of our resources(engineers) will be on vacation. These kind of conversations can be important to have to make sure this doesn’t happen again. The project management team got their ass handed to them for kneeling to the LOBs’ ridiculous timeline expectations. And they were told to hold the L if things don’t work on the go-live date, there will be no post implementation support until mid January if something doesn’t work.

  • I don’t think that people having children in their 30s is a bad thing. In fact, there’s a lot of misconceptions about when a woman should have a child, and it’s safe to have children even into your 40s. I think young women don’t want to start birthing kids in early adulthood when there isn’t a strong family support system in their life. Also, to be honest, most people are still trying to figure out so much about who they are and what they want in their 20s, I’d rather see more people waiting to have kids than people having kids without a thought of how they’re going to provide

  • I don’t know if this will change your mind, but I think people exaggerate how difficult it is to have a kid. It’s pretty hard for the first year, but it gets easier. I had my son when I was 19. I haven’t thought about having another until recently, my son is 9 now, so it’s been 10 years or so. It’s a pretty big sacrifice at first but it does get easier with time… Then they got school and after school activities. I spend a lot of time with my son and enjoy spending time with him, so it’s not like it’s a drain. I also managed to get a solid career without a college degree by wit and effort. People who weren’t going to accomplish anything with their lives love to blame their children for their own shortcomings. I’m not saying it wasn’t without sacrifice, but don’t listen to naysayers. A child is not the end of the world.

  • I don’t know why but there’s some websites I frequently go to that either don’t work/load correctly with chrome or Firefox. I always made fun of my brother for using edge, but since I’ve started using it months ago I haven’t had any issues like I had before. Additionally, it seems to be better at managing memory because I’ve never seen it consume anywhere near the amount of ram that chrome does. Also, edge allows you to neatly put your tabs vertically on a side bar and allows you to group tabs without having to get 3rd party add-ons.

    Making fun of edge is like making fun of internet explorer, but feature-wise it’s the same/better than other browsers. Props to Firefox but it’s just never worked well for me