VRR that works with multiple monitors connected. Unfortunately that’s an Nvidia driver issue rather than a missing Linux protocol, so could be waiting a while.
VRR that works with multiple monitors connected. Unfortunately that’s an Nvidia driver issue rather than a missing Linux protocol, so could be waiting a while.
I’ve recently switched to Fedora KDE running version 6 and HDR looks great. Well worth the wait.
Huh TIL. Sorry if I sounded dismissive of GNOME, I was just going by what has and hasn’t been implemented. I actually hated how Plasma looked and how it was set out so ended up getting a global Mac OS theme to fix it.
Part of the reason for dual booting is to figure out which DE I prefer having only just moved over from windows.
I’m currently dual booting Pop OS and Fedora KDE edition with a 3080, so essentially using both an old GNOME version (Pop) and Plasma 6 (Fedora). Pop works straight out of the box if you choose the Nvidia install and the Nvidia controls are fairly similar to Windows.
Fedora gave me some problems getting it going, but once I’d opted in to proprietary drivers, and did a few updates, it’s been all good. The HDR implementation in Plasma is way better than Win 10 and the only issue with VRR is that it won’t work if you have a multi-monitor setup. Turning off the other monitors works fine. The gpu controls are more limited though.
GNOME is a bit behind Plasma. VRR is an experimental feature and HDR doesn’t run on Nvidia cards. Both should be fixed sometime this year I believe.
If you undervolt your card you are out of luck. There are some limited overclocking tools but underclocking seems like a bit of a nightmare.
Yup wouldn’t work over any other ports. Had to move the other service off of it but it now works.
Solved with this solution. It would only work over 80 and 443.
Lighttpd was using port 80 for pihole. Back when I set it up you could change the server port but it would be overwritten every time pi hole was redeployed, hence why I didn’t just change this in the first instance. They seem to have updated it so that editing the .conf and changing the port number will persist.
I should have said in the main text, I have something else on port 80 and I though best practice was not to expose 80 or 443?
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I have the Silverstone GD-08 case that can fit 12 hard drives. It’s an inexpensive solution for a dedicated htpc/media server. Even managed to fit in an RX 6600 so my wife can play low spec games on the tv.
Then all you need is a pcie expansion card as others suggested.
Most of the original d&d games, baldur’s gate 1 &2 and neverwinter nights etc, have Linux native versions and go on sale for a couple of dollars. You can easily sink 100s of hours into them, especially neverwinter which has amazing community made campaigns.
Appreciate you taking the time to share a technical fix, but I figured I had a spare drive an unlimited fibre plan so path of least resistance won.
I recently switched to Linux as my daily driver and had this same issue. Unfortunately you have to download through the Linux steam client you can’t run any games previously installed through windows.
I ended up corrupting my windows game drive trying to force it.
I pulled a psu out of my rig over the weekend. I was just going to chuck it on Trademe for $1. Let me know if you need it, though shipping might take a few days.
Beige babies are the manifestation of middle class ennui.
It’s just a prank bro, no homo.
Ahh that also explains why it seems to be a google only thing. Thank you though, knowing that it’s through the shopping api will hopefully help me find a solution (if it exists).
Railway signalling and interlocking systems. Sure ETCS and other digital systems are far safer, but some dude at a junction used to manually reset the points and crossovers using a giant lever. Now everything’s just a digital system overseen by someone with 8+ monitors in a control room removed from the actual network.
Also, not a technology, but rally cars used to be fully unhinged. I could watch old Group B videos for hours and never get bored.
There were chips that suffered from oxidative flaws during the manufacturing process which Intel didn’t tell anybody about until July of this year. You are correct that they aren’t on sale now but it’s not correct to say this was only a voltage issue.
Only if I’m getting f’d by Microsoft.
/I use Arch btw
lol. I searched “nvidia 570 Linux” less than a week ago and nada. Just did it again based on you comment and it looks like it was released 2 days ago.
You’re an absolute legend! Thanks for the heads up.