Women are not good at all but I don’t know what to do with the kids and I don’t want to be with you anymore if you don’t mind me asking you to come over to my place to pick me up from work and get it done and I will be there in a few minutes and I will be back in a few minutes and I’ll be back in a few minutes and I’ll be back in a few minutes…
What? Do you live in the 1950s? Have you heard of nuclear accidents? How many people did wind and solar energy kill so far?
That fucking G Hub software has the absolute shittiest UX of all apps I have installed on my machine.
Can’t his attourney petition on his behalf?
Pretty simple: Pretending to deliver the latest tech for a premium price. But the non-pro models simply don’t have the latest tech, but they do have the premium price. And Apple practices upselling like no other (I mean, look at those storage upgrade prices).