• 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Dude.


    Just don’t, okay.

    You don’t have the training or background to interpret the data on the subject, and have obviously not done due diligence on the matter. You are talking out of your ass based on not understanding what is going on.

    Part of that is shitty writing on other people’s part; a lot of articles out there are written by people that don’t actually understand what they’re writing about, so when people read them, it gets even worse.

    But there’s a bloody reason why nobody with a degree relevant to the matter of advantages or disadvantages of medical transition comes down as it being an inherent and universal advantage. It just isn’t.

    I’m saying this because there’s a good chance you don’t intend to parrot bad information, that you think you’ve done enough reading on the subject to have a good grasp of it. But you haven’t. Stop trying to be some kind of free speech martyr and go back to the books. Go back and do more than just read pop science level articles.

    Also, the “of equivalent size and height” part doesn’t mean what you think it means.

    When two people of the same mass and height are equivalent, that means there isn’t an advantage in one of them being trans. A cis woman that’s taller and more muscled than their competitors has the same advantage as the trans woman. That’s what it means, that size matters, but transition doesn’t. There’s no contradiction in that.

    Now, if you want to argue about how long after beginning hormone treatments a trans person needs to wait before competing in their sport of choice as their confirmed gender, that’s cool. But, since you don’t just change clothes and start competing as it is, you’ll find it’s a pointless argument.

    The process of transition is longer and more complicated than you seem to think. People aren’t just jumping up, declaring that they’re trans and trying to compete with cis women the next day. It doesn’t work like that at all. By the time a trans woman or girl is competing against cis women, they have been undergoing hormonal treatment.

  • That’s essentially where I am.

    I don’t mind experimenting with trek, there’s room for it. A lot of ds9 was a divergence. But it was still trek. It was still hopeful and uplifting even at its darkest. It delivered great drama without ignoring the culture of the federation.

    Even the TNG movies pushed the boundaries of being trek and doing action without breaking the spirit of the universe.

    So it isn’t like you have to throw away all the great parts of trek to put out a great story.

    I’ll paraphrase you because you’re so damn right; if we wanted a generic sci-fi/space movie, we could get that anywhere, but you can’t get star trek without playing within that universe and abiding by what makes it carry a sustained “vibe” for over a half century.

  • That’s probably because it’s a mediocre movie overall and a horrible star trek movie.

    Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate it. It had some good bits and pieces, some interesting ideas. But they were cobbled together into a script with the worst dialogue of any trek effort I’ve ever seen. And the fucking accents? Absurdity. Yeoh’s character had this weird one that made the character feel stilted and the “nanokin” accents were just insulting to their respective real world versions.

    The action was meh for the most part, though one of the bits with the special gear over the box was kinda fun until the end where a plot point made it turn into nonsense. I avoid spoilers where possible despite thinking spoilers don’t advisor actually spoil anything, so that’s vague as hell, but when you see the movie (if), you’ll get what I mean as soon as you see the bit I’m talking about.

    I watched it with my wife and kid because my kid is slowly delving into trek, and this is the newest thing. I said afterward that, as a sci-fi action movie it was okay, I’ve seen a lot worse. But it wasn’t a star trek movie. It was a trek themed movie where they used catchwords from trek canon to make you think of trek, without delivering on the actual feel of any of it.

    It definitely deserves to be the lowest rated trek project, and I hate the whole Kelvin thing.

    But, again, I didn’t actually hate Section 31. I hated sections of it lol.

    Thinking about it as I’m writing this, what it most reminded me of is fan fiction. It was just bad fan fiction. At moments, it also felt like they were going for a ttrpg feel akin to what the d&d honor among thieves movie did. Only in this case, it wasn’t done well.

    I dunno, I’m rambling a bit. I think what I’m getting at is that if you’re forced to watch it, there are some decent bits, but you’ll likely be angry at whoever forced you to watch it despite that