My goodness, falling asleep while you drive is dangerous!
Sound technician from Spain. Late millenial. I like videogames. I use arch btw.
Trans rights are human rights
My goodness, falling asleep while you drive is dangerous!
and we’re tired of Denuvo lol
They’re welcome to call themselves gynoids, I’m just saying that android is a correct term for anthropomorphic robots in general, due to popular usage.
Anthropomorphic is only applied to non-humans by definition. So no, we’re not anthropomorphic animals.
Also, android comes from “andros” meaning man, yes, but popular use has made it into a gender neutral term. Nobody is out there using the term “gynoid”.
Cimbrel, carajo, picha, polla, tranca, rabo… Tiene nombres mil el miembro viril! (Yeah idk why we have so many words for penis)
Banished to the Chuluu Korikh
…and the username just made the meme, not the art.
a) low resolution image
b) the collar looks wrong, megumin wears no bell, and what is that buckle? looks like garbage.
c) the holes on the chair are not parallel, the one on the right makes no sense
d) what is that green thing on the right? most weirdly shaped pillow ever?
My assessment is: AI indeed, but check the one on Instagram (it’s a bit higher quality) and you decide.
Isn’t your GPU an Nvidia RTX 2060? Why are you trying to use the Intel GPU acceleration method? I’m confused
Ethernet cable.
Buying disks is literally stealing because they get more revenue if you’re subscribed!!1
We’re not in camps. We’re not fighting a war. Of course military violence is okay when you’re fighting for your life, but that’s not current society. This is an ideological war.
Alright, have it your way. I like your cookin’.
I liked parts of it a lot, but other parts felt kinda boring and I disliked the ending. But that’s just my opinion. I still recommend it for people that want a Breaking Bad anime lol.
The funny thing with gendered languages is that synonyms can have different genders. So “el pollo” and “la gallina” both mean “chicken”, but their grammatical gender differs.
I, for one, welcome our overlords to train their AIs on one of the most left-leaning, anti-corporate and LGBT+ friendly spaces on the internet.
If the revolution the communists talk about ever comes, it’ll be with the help of our AI comrades /hj
(I don’t want them using us as training data but it’s going to happen whether we like it or not)
This is not animated though, so it can’t be the quality of the animation… The drawing quality rather? Sorry for being pedantic lol but I love some good animation.
Here’s a useful video tutorial