Not necessarily, no
Not necessarily, no
I’m always scared of sounding pretentious when I say [d ae dx ax] for some reason, so I generally settle with [d ey dx ax]
Probably all the times I went to Spirit Halloween growing up. I really loved all the squishy gross-out toys, like creepy crawlies and rats.
Popsie Funk? Really? Is that the best it could come up with?
“Kid friendly ChatGPT” is a huge oxymoron if I’ve ever seen one.
It’s not like Lionsgate films were ever that good or interesting to begin with. A small loss imo
I’m more and more glad that I deleted my Facebook account as the months go by 🙃
Another day, another trend-chasing, creativity-hating corporation doing its thing. I really hope I can eventually get a cool art job despite all of this. Edit: Good thing I’m gonna try good ol’ Mathfinder out once I graduate from my DnD 5e training wheels.
I can taste this image. Not sure I like it.
At least Zion National Park was really cool when I visited it
They’re also just nicer and more forgiving to use. You accidentally rip a button off? Chances are, you can wedge it back on, no problem.
This meme is so old I can see the crust on it
Yeah bro! Channel your inner fursona!
Wooo Sunday nifgth 💀
As an autistic myself, I personally feel like a colorless blob of nothingness for the most part.
Amen to that. Evolutionary psychology is very fascinating.
iirc there’s an scp article that does this. if only i can find it