Imagine the reason you get caught doing something like this is because you bragged about it on a podcast
Imagine the reason you get caught doing something like this is because you bragged about it on a podcast
Does sound like what youre looking for is gentoo. Packages may be a little older than arch, but its a rolling release too. You get new stuff fast
Woops sorry, apparently i meant testing
Seems to be on unstable testing, so shouldnt be too long
Unless idk what consolidated mean, ubuntu shouldnt be in there, and arch and nix would be included no?
Its the default behaviour for firefox. Normally you have to disable with by tweaking browser.gesture.swipe.left/right in about:config
Yeah im at a fairly small company with a boss that cares about that kinda stuff more than me so its not very hard to enforce
You can write to me by chat but no ticket no help
Full wayland all the time for probably 2 years now
Does another display manager get the same issue? Can you login through the tty?
Run this before startx maybe:
xhost +local:
Its really just Arch with an installer. No more or less reliable
Those are both things that a window manager doesnt really do. I havent used i3 much but ill try to point you in the right directions.
For caffeine, depending on your bar, i believe most of them have modules for that.
Then for locking/shutting down, you’d want to look at i3lock, xautolock, xidlehook, and probably many others. Can’t guide you to the right commands, but this forum thread seems to have a lot of the info you’re looking for:
Yeah qbitt has that but not all clients do
People run their stuff in docker cause it tends to make the process more straight forward.
The question is specifically about isolating your torrent client to a VPN only network, that way leaks are impossible since if the VPN goes down, there are no other networks accessible to the container.
Ah ok yeah. Like someone else said all of it seems to be on YGG
Got a link to imdb or something? Theres a few different animated shows with similar titles
They’re taking away our control?! 🙃
My understanding is that one of the two people involved in the exchange needs to have ports forwarded. So you just have access to less files and less people have access to your files