Not OP but a bottom would be more submissive and probably write something along the lines “please put your finger in my throat 👉👈 uWu” or a variation thereof.
Not OP but a bottom would be more submissive and probably write something along the lines “please put your finger in my throat 👉👈 uWu” or a variation thereof.
Ah gotcha yeah that makes a lot of sense! I hope that kind of bigotry dies out again soon but doesn’t look like its slowing down. I hope you can feel safe and be more like your true self now.
Yeah I know but didn’t want to assume. Some people have family roots for example. I do work with US colleagues and not all feel the need to move countries for example, which I find very interesting because it sure looks like a shit show to me. I’m not based in the US myself.
Out of interest, since moving continents is no small matter in my opinion; what makes that, and making a third in terms of salary vs the US, a worthwhile trade-off?
Oh that’s great! I thought it was a typo, but people loving each other in whatever fashion suits them best is way better ❤️
Are your wife and girlfriend on good terms? 😏👉💦
It’s a flatworm my dudes. AAAAaaawwwhh.