“that’s Islam” isn’t judgy to you? As if beheading someone is the average answer to stuff in the quran. Also, remember that the bible and the quran are both based on the same stuff. They’re not as different as you’d like to believe. It’s literally just a bible with some added texts which. Both of which are barbaric due to them being outdated.
Also, I suggest you reread Ecclesiastes 5:2 for another example of how you’re sinning in this thread.
They’ve all taken the Torah that Moses dreamt up and made their own version with hookers and blackjack. You can spin it however you want, but it’s true. The fact that it’s not copied word for word doesn’t change the fact that it’s the same foundation.
The Egyptians and the Mesopotamians/Babylonians influenced the Canaanite religion, then that evolved into Judaism, then that splintered into Judaism and Christianity and then came Mohammed who was like “yep, those guys and those books came from God! And I am the last prophet of God!”
Then we got a bunch of other prophets like Joseph Smith, Nostradamus, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Ellen White, etc. So… Yeah.
Also, I guess this is an example of how different people interpret these books. To me, 5:2 seems to speak against word vomit, which is what I was implying you’re doing in this thread and others.