Yea peacock is great! You can even copy your vanilla save file over to the Peacock-ified game (though, importantly, not the other way round)
Furry (feral dhole), he/him, feet/(hind)paw worshipper, car appreciator, mechanical watch wearer, cloud engineer, thinkpad/pop!os!!/i3wm user, occasional synth/guitar/handpan player, car/track enthusiast
Avatar and banner artist: Heatherwolf
Migrated from https://yiffit.net/u/noxy
Yea peacock is great! You can even copy your vanilla save file over to the Peacock-ified game (though, importantly, not the other way round)
yeah, totally agreed. Really phenomenal game once you’re in it, but the constant attempts to upsell shit and the pathetic online stuff really do seriously detract from the overall experience.
I still do recommend trying 3/WOA if you can get it for a good price. Freelancer genuinely adds a lot to the game and the new destinations from 3 are excellent.
But I totally understand not wanting to even bother.
What do you dislike about the most recent 1-3/WOA other than the online requirement and the microtransaction bullshit?
to be clear, either of those alone are a totally valid dealbreaker!
I adore the game otherwise, but totally agreed.
It’s especially egregious when cutscenes are interrupted by “Reconnecting” bullshit.
Peacock works great and even adds some of its own content. But it’s unconscionable that it’s even needed in the first place.
talk about some really raunchy sex
Hijacking ctrl+f or forward slash. I use those to tell my browser to search the text of the current page. When websites steal that from me and make it do a search within the website, I get extremely upset.
The arrogance, the fucking gall it takes to do shit like that. It’s insane.
Another one is unloading content after you’ve scrolled past it, meaning I can no longer get search hits where search hits should definitely be happening.
Stellantis? More like Stale Anus
yea I just went with a paid plan right off the bat since I have a custom domain, has been totally fine
tuta.com is great for me so far
Too much stuff to remove to get to either of my car’s electric motors. Also that might cause a legit warranty denial someday…
Colleges spend obscene amounts of money on college sports, often to the detriment of actual education. And they fight like hell to prevent the athletes from seeing any of that money.
At least, that’s what I think goes on, I can’t stand sports fandom in general so that ain’t my world at all
You don’t owe your parents anything. Cut them out of your life entirely if you need to and are able to. Otherwise either keep standing your ground and try to keep converting them, or just make it clear that you won’t discuss politics.
Both your parents sound slightly worse than my dad, who I went no-contact with for several years
Linux Is Not Unix, Xavier!
my inhaler is $70 per month with insurance. though it’s a bit different from an albuterol inhaler, mine is a dry powder steroid thing, and it has a VERY short 30 day shelf life once opened.
was $10 last year with insurance, but of course that shit changes every year…
slapping a toasted marshmallow in between some graham crackers and some low quality chocolate
Can’t dislike it if I never try it
More or less as evil as each other
I deeply hope none of this happens. But if it does I hope the cartels destroy the invading US forces.
Really wishing Kamala won. She’s much less bad. Still quite bad, but much less bad.
Dstorage is the site that the headline failed to mention