Lvxferre [he/him]

The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • Your gender or sexual orientation doesn’t invalidate your opinion (nor validate it).

    That’s correct but not the full picture.

    What matters here is more than just the validity of the opinion; it’s also weighting the impact of a potential ban, when you don’t really know if it’s justified or not. Both a false positive (unjust ban) and a false negative (not banned when they should) are bad, but which is worse? This depends on the gravity of the reason (gatekeeping vs. bigotry) but also your target audience (gender diverse people vs. someone who is not gender diverse).

    Also note that Blahaj admins are not from USA, they’re from Australia. I’m not from USA either (I’m from South America.) I’m not sure on how much siege mentality applies in either case.

  • I’m saying that it’s a matter of priorities because of this comment chain. Special emphasis on:

    and likewise, as an older queer I’m doing my own educating here. I’m not going to sugarcoat the truth. Not now with the severity of the threat we collectively face while we’re having a fucking pissing match over pronouns and being offended by the innocent use of they/them purely to be outraged and feel important.

    No, call people you don’t know they/them until otherwise corrected and if they get pissy about it that’s their fault and not yours. // There’s real serious problems out there, being upset over being accidentally “misgendered” by having no gender recognition at all is fucking ridiculous attention seeking me me me behavior.

  • You’re 100% right that I’m not feeling the anger you queer people are feeling. And, again, I agree with the core of what you’re saying. It boils down to “goddammit can’t those bloody kids get their priorities right???”, doesn’t it?

    And even with your anger being justified, and even with the core of your complain being spot on, there’s still gatekeeping there. And it’s completely extraneous to what you’re likely trying to say. You could say the same stuff that you’re saying without it.

    And the people who hate you queer people would still do it regardless of pronouns. It’s just an excuse from their part; the actual reason why they hate you is that you’re subversive (and that’s a good thing). Once they remember “hey, trans and gender non-conforming people exist”, all that “God, then man, then woman” hierarchy goes down the bloody drain. Without those kids talking about pronouns they’d pick on something else. Like they already do, their go out of their way to make shit up about you.

    [Regardless of agreeing or disagreeing I genuinely wish that you stay safe. And the kids too - even if acc. to you their priorities might be out of place, they still deserve safety.]

  • TL;DR: BPR CSPR (charged situation-provoked reaction). OP was gatekeeping a wee bit but this was definitively not worth a permaban, at most a “chill your head!” 1d ban. OP being queer and the issue happening outside Blåhaj are also relevant.

    Sorry in advance for the WORDS, WORDS, WORDS.

    Also, I’m not queer. Or an instance owner. I’m open to hear about things that I got wrong. I’m judging things here because it’s how this comm works.

    I don’t disagree with the core of what you’re saying, it’s sensible stuff:

    • it is completely fine to use they/them as a default; it is not misgendering
    • some people overreact to what, contextually, clearly conveys “I don’t know your gender”
    • queers on the verge of being hunted is way, way more serious than pronouns

    100% agree with the above. But even then, check your own comment:

    This attitude drives me fucking nuts as a millennial who had to fight the real fights for LGBTQ acceptance only for the younger generation to get their panties in a twist for inadvertently being called by the “wrong” (gender neutral) pronoun.

    Queers are on the verge of being hunted and exterminated in the US and y’all are pissy over being called a gender neutral pronoun by someone who doesn’t know you?

    For fucks sake this is why the heteros hate us. Younger queers need faux outrage to feel important. Now the real threats are back on the horizon. Thanks to young out of touch activists caring more about pronouns than our physical safety and well-being.

    You’re arbitrarily drawing a line and saying “up to this point, it is not an important matter. Past that point, it is”. Well… this is gatekeeping! Cat shit might not be as serious of a problem as elephant shit, but both are still shit, you know?

    Then there’s the matter of this happening outside Blåhaj. I get why the admins there ban people for activity outside their own instance: the instance is home to extremely marginalised groups, that requires getting rid of bad faith actors (haters, chasers…) even before they set their feet there.

    So for example. Let’s say that I (cis, hetero) said something that can be understood as bigotry. It would be only sensible if Blahaj banned me on the spot - better safe than sorry, right?

    …however that clearly does not apply to you - even if not trans you’re gender-diverse. (I always check profiles before judging people.) Blahaj is supposed to be inviting to people like you. It shifts the issue from “some cis hetero got banned by mistake” to “someone who should feel safe in that instance got banned by mistake”. Plus what you’re saying isn’t even bigoted, it’s simply gatekeeping.

    Based on all of that I think that some intervention from the Blahaj admins would be sensible, even if this happened outside their “turf”, but they went a bit too far. [/two cents]

  • At those times I swear, I have a knack for avoiding problems before they appear.

    Some years ago I migrated from Ubuntu to Debian. It was due to something silly, like defaults. Then I got pissed with Debian Stable, went to Testing, got pissed again… and for some reason instead of going back to Ubuntu I gave Mint a try.

    Then people started talking about snaps a lot, and I gave them a try in Mint. This was in a potato computer so I could clearly notice how slow they were to start. Nope.

    Then Ubuntu started forcing them every where, but by then I could simply say “Not My Problem®”. Mint maintainers are clearly against snaps, and I’m happy with it.

    Glad to see Õunapuu also found a way to handle the problem by changing distros. I’m too deep into the APT rabbit hole to get used to Fedora, but it seems like a good choice regardless.

  • Full paragraph:

    “Whale song is not a language; it lacks semantic meaning. It may be more reminiscent of human music, which also has this statistical structure, but lacks the expressive meaning found in language.”

    What the author is saying here is that you can’t split whale songs into pieces and say “this piece means [thing], that other piece means [another thing]”. You can’t do it with human music either. And yet it’s an essential component of language, all languages attested out there work with those units (called morphemes).

  • I think that “all” is evolving in this direction. It was already used as an explicit pluraliser for “you” (alongside “guys”, -s, and others); and now I’m seeing “they all” more and more across the internet, even in situations where the “all” clearly does not convey “every single one of them”.

    Just keep in mind that this is anecdotal from my part, not backed up by hard data.

  • Lvxferre [he/him]@mander.xyzto196@lemmy.blahaj.zone11 years ago
    3 days ago

    I do wish English had some common-use ones that were explicitly singular, though.

    In the long run I predict that “they” will follow the same path as “you” - it’ll become increasingly more associated with the singular, until it’s the default interpretation. I also predict that both “they” and “you” will eventually require a pluraliser to convey the plural.

    “Vos” (you, singular) in Rioplatense Spanish followed a similar path.

    If that’s correct, eventually there’ll be explicitly singular second and third person pronouns.

  • I wouldn’t be so eager to assume so - the vocally anti-AI people resemble a lot the “AGI is coming!” crowds:

    • neither analyses rationally the [merits | demerits] of the technology
    • both assume applications to be [bad | good] solely on their usage of AI, with no regards to why and how
    • both flip from decent reading proficiency to “I dun unrurrstand, I is so confusion…” mode once someone voices an argument they can’t handle
    • both assume that, if you say something that might be superficially understood as against their view, you must be among in the other group thus you must be a shitty person

    And they’ll do it even if you casually mention to be running locally some LLM or diffusion model, with no ties to the GAFAM + “Open”“A”“I” slop.

  • I agree, this sort of AI pattern detection works really well: it is not a big deal if the AI misidentifies a few strokes of ink, but it is a big deal how fast it’s able to process the whole thing. And it’s likely trained locally, for a specific task so no unreasonably high usage of electricity. It has almost all the pros but none of the cons!

    I hold out hope against hope that something similar will one day be possible with the rotted lumps of Maya codices, but I’m not exactly holding my breath.

    I hope so, but just like you I’m not holding my breath. Biological activity is messier; the surviving ones are likely full of holes.

    To complicate things further, most of the works are already gone. A good chunk because of the Aztecs going full 1984 and destroying stuff to control the subjugated Maya peoples; then the Spaniards mixing disdain and hostility towards the local cultures, plus “plebs don’t need to read, the only thing to read is the Bible, and unless you’re a priest you’ll read it wrong”.