Your average gay, married, software developer.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • We had libertarians popular for a while in Michigan. Then they lost popularity. They usually align themselves to the right wing. In practice, they basically tried to block the government from helping the people at all. No school funding. No health care. Private ownership of all the land. No parks, protected lands or sanctuaries. No real environmental protections (so no public protection of the largest freshwater supply in the world, a precious resource), only property owners can sue for pollution, no gun regulations, no helping the poor or any social programs whatsoever, and a stronger state’s rights take on government (so the state can say no to everything too).

    The good parts to me were that they didn’t support drug war policies and they don’t believe in government discrimination against any groups (but the “government” part is important there so I guess that’s not that good).

  • I agree that climate change should be our main concern. The real existential risk of AI is that it will cause millions of people to not have work or be underemployed, greatly multiplying the already huge lower class. With that many people unable to take care of themselves and their family, it will make conditions ripe for all of the bad parts of humanity to take over unless we have a major shift away from the current model of capitalism. AI would be the initial spark that starts this but it will be human behavior that dooms (or elevates) humans as a result.

    The AI apocalypse won’t look like Terminator, it will look like the collapse of an empire and it will happen everywhere that there isn’t sufficient social and political change all at once.