• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • being pushed into unsafe diet and exercise plans, often with very high pressure coming from parents and coaches

    That’s true of any sport? I agree that sports should be more fun and less competitive, at least for children, but why single out gymnastics? At least there’s no contact like in wrestling or even football.

  • Gold having 1 more is weird because you would expect no silver if two have gold and therefore a difference of 2.

    Vinesh Phogat was disqualified for being overweight during the weigh-in of the 50kg women’s wrestling final. Her opponent got gold, and both losing semifinalists got bronze.

    It became a big controversy in India because she had been <50kg for every match until then, and she had previously protested against the wrestling federation - which chose her dietician and other staff - for covering up sexual assault cases.

  • All fascism is nationalist. There’s no ‘other instance’. And a common theme in the rise of fascism is a compromise between the rich (capitalists, local gentry, etc.) and the fascist organisation, where the former bankrolls the latter in return for maintaining their economic and social position / backdoor deals / protection. Further, this usually happens as a result of some marginalised group - factory workers, serfs, women, etc. getting too uppity.

  • There is a saying, something along the lines of ‘politics is the shadow that economics casts over society’. Now obviously there is no one to one correlation between a country’s economic and political systems, but rich people often respond to calls for economic reform by trying to make the public fight among themselves. Fascism is one possibility, ‘culture war’ is another, bread and circuses a third, and so on.

  • The only consistent components of fascism are an autocratic government and a dictatorial ruler, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible nationalism through suppression of opposition.

    This is authoritarian nationalism, not fascism. All fascism is nationalist and authoritarian, not all nationalism or authoritarianism is fascist. Bismarck, Churchill and Erdogan are/were authoritarian nationalists, but I wouldn’t call any of them fascist.

  • Ah, so he protected them from being prosecuted or something?

    More or less. Not he alone, but many senior LDP leaders with him at the helm.

    The murderer wrote.that.he planned to kill the church leader,.but changed.his mine cause Abe was more famous and would get more attention.


    I don’t think there is evidence that the murderers motivations were political, but I could be wrong.

    As I understand, he wanted to draw attention to the Moonies while ‘punishing’ someone he held responsible for his family’s condition.