I sure as fuck hope we end up with the president who will make those cosplaying MAGAs continue to whine.
I sure as fuck hope we end up with the president who will make those cosplaying MAGAs continue to whine.
Sometimes it is pleasant to defederate from an instance, especially if nothing of value is lost.
No, we would instead make interspecies pornography of humans boning the aliens and further diminish our status in their eyes. Dommy mommies scoffing at the entire planet. It would be a diplomatic catastrophe.
You can whip up a whole album of aggressively mid music just cyberbullying the shit out of one person.
I think they’re being sarcastic?.. I hope they’re being sarcastic.
I agree. I wish Donald’s cultists would talk and listen to these family members trying to pull them out. It is a shame that Repubs are writing their family off and instead deciding to believe bigoted delusions.
What’s the remaining distance between a MAGA and a full-on neo-Nazi in your mind? Like as long as they’re voting for the US equivalent of the NSDAP, they’re not officially there yet?
Insane that anyone can be comfortable writing a strawman like “it’s just a different vote,” when they’re voting for “I need generals like Hitler’s, I will be dictator for a day, it is legal to murder political opponents, we will do mass deportations, Haitians are eating cats.”
Yes, it’s our fault that fear-addicted racists have refused to listen to reason for decades and particularly during the last eight years when an obviously unfit clown was committing scandal after scandal. We should be inviting cultists who refuse to listen to us back into our lives and calmly discuss why it is good for the country to be a Christofascist dictatorship.
I am typically in the group saying “systemd is overlarge with too many responsibilities” but this capability makes perfect sense for its job running services. Probably the good column.
I think they’re trying to say that, because they have to be paid to praise one country’s completely unprovoked invasion of another, therefore they are a better person than us, who, unpaid, say Ukraine is in the right, therefore we “love war.” It is a weird fucking flex.
If they thought they would profit from a direct murder, they would. It’s not like they ever see any significant penalties for murder.
Usually it is an indirect murder, though. Like we are reading about chicken processing plants deciding it is more profitable to maim or kill children rather than pay adults.
Libertarians writing Invisible Hand fan fiction.
I think you’re supposed to accept only articles from the Grayzone, and those without any fact checking whatsoever.
“This is western propaganda, actually everyone can write what they like. Furthermore censorship is necessary to keep capitalist lies out of the country, so being banned from criticizing the government is a good thing.”
Sure. But unfortunately the country is so diseased with far-right radicals that even for people absolutely opposed to Gaza as a primary motivation, such as Uncommitted (you going to call them genocidal as well?), she is still the least bad option.
But that’s kinda my point, though. Anybody with radical ideas like “Donald will make this worse,” will fail .ml purity testing, regardless of their stance on economics. And so much so that you’ll call them a goose-stepper.
Right? The system is awful that lite is the best of the options that will actually happen. And yet here you are, every day campaigning for fascism deluxe by telling everyone who chooses lite that they are genocidal goose-steppers.
I keep telling advertisers but if they continue using intrusive ads that send information to Facebook or appear after content has loaded forcing us to misclick, then they can expect more people to use ad blockers. Yet they all want to act like they’re not responsible for this trend even though they are.
Most of their comments are perfect examples. Everyone except them is a fascist liberal who loves genocide.
Even Uncommitted, who have basically the same opinion as everyone that Harris is in the wrong but Donald would be worse. Fascist genocide lovers.
I don’t fully understand but it turns out if you don’t think both Donald and Harris are equally fascist you are a classic liberal and pretty far to the right.
It’s like attending a concert. An additional similarity is I wouldn’t attend any of the popular bands’ but might even travel a bit to see one of the indies.