Meanwhile Microsoft is assisting the fascist state of Israel in genocide.
Finally, a good take.
Jesus fucking Christ. That sounds horrific. No one on this planet should have to suffer like this. The disparity in this world is unconscionable.
Mussolini supports Hitler.
They’re making up some mythical Trump-supporting Palestinian in their brains so they can throw their hands up and continue sitting on their arses, engage in zero direct action, not go to a single protest, or organize their community in any way just as they’ve always done.
You can bet they’ll be around in 4 years time screeching at us to vote for Kamala again when the Democrats once again fail to put forward a viable working class candidate then blame us when Trump somehow wins 130% of the vote.
Some of you can join Canada, some Mexico, and the rest left to rot.
Or Mossad.
It’s so fucking cringe the way he’s biting his lip and does that little grunt. He was really sitting there amping himself up for this moment. “That’s it I’m going to sieg hail!!!”
What a fucking loser. No friends unlikeable moron.
The correct way to debate fascists in the marketplace of ideas. 😌
The build quality is absolute dogshit.
This ain’t it.
If laws don’t matter anymore I guess that means we can all just do whatever the hell we want.
Oh another CEO got Luigi’d? Oh well.
6/10 are either Nazis or have their heads in the sand.
Yes we need a revolution, and killing Elon and other billionaires and rich assholes will need to be a part of that.
We’ve tried peaceful change but the rich buy up elections and make protest illegal, so they made violent revolution the only option left.
Americans be like “we need guns to oppose tyranny” then use guns to install fascism and threaten the most disadvantaged people in society.
He needs to be killed by any means necessary. He is the single greatest threat to humanity. Whoever gets him will be a hero to humans everywhere. This shouldn’t be a controversial thing to say.
Super Mario Ultimate Multiplayer Superstars.
Princess Peach sets a trap. Toad slips something into a drink. Mario does his thing. Yoshi is the getaway.
Yep, tankies can be reasoned with. Liberals will not engage, change the topic, go back to their delusional fantasy world.