I can only help with the last part as I use audible. Have you tried Voice? https://droidify.eu.org/app/?id=de.ph1b.audiobook&repo_address=https://f-droid.org/repo
I can only help with the last part as I use audible. Have you tried Voice? https://droidify.eu.org/app/?id=de.ph1b.audiobook&repo_address=https://f-droid.org/repo
We did the work so you don’t have to. 😝
Every supermarket has this in the UK. Has for years.
But I gotta get my quid back.
Pretty sure it could be considered fly tipping.
Five-bed home looks gorgeous on the outside - but inside there’s a horrifying amount of BS 1363 receptacles.
Tell me you’re a Scouser without telling me you’re a Scouser.
I thought Americans were all about free market. Other companies and alternatives will come in and undercut shell if that happens.
The thing you have to remember is Jesse is a methhead
X for doubt.
There’s no way someone survives something as big as a butt plug moving from their arse to their chest at near the speed of sound. You might as well put their internal organs though a juicer and see if they survive.
He’s such a good character in the show. Such a rubbish character in the books.
Soulseek is my past, present and future.
That’s fair. Before my V my partner was pretty anxious. Plus the few times she’s had to have the morning after pill the surge of hormones has fucked her cycle for best part of a year agtert
Yes because it’s a well known fact that if a woman has problems with hormonal birth control then her partner automatically is unable to wear condoms.
Sounds like an unenforceable clause.
Beverly Crusher visibly sweating.
A lot of Indian cooking is vegetarian, not vegan. Ghee is very often used.
That’s the trap the restaurant uses to get out of giving 10% off.