I had a good experience with Daikin split systems, but it’s really going to depend on your region and what’s available in your area, or what you’ve already got. If you’re looking for inspiration on what works well, check the Home Assistant forums.
Software engineer (video games). Likes dogs, DJing + EDM, running, electronics and loud bangs in Reservoir.
I had a good experience with Daikin split systems, but it’s really going to depend on your region and what’s available in your area, or what you’ve already got. If you’re looking for inspiration on what works well, check the Home Assistant forums.
Best place to start would be to look at the thermostat hardware you’ve currently got, and start searching online if anyone has integrated it into Home Assistant.
I’ve lived at a few houses now with Home Assistant. In all of them I was able to integrate my HVAC and automate it, but some brands and hardware are definitely easier than others.
I think the most extreme of them required a custom esphome device connected to its PCB to talk to Home Assistant, and another required me to write my own custom component.
Hardware and brands make a huge difference, but sometimes you’re stuck with what you’ve got.
So what’s going on here? Is this related to the new US administration? Or Microsoft and Meta exchanging money to silence the competition? Genuinely confused, but it seems fairly important whatever the motivations.
I think it positions the US to lower its corporate tax rate below 15%, enticing tech companies to move their official HQs back to the US from Ireland. Of course this would likely result in a race to the bottom on corporate tax rates globally, which the agreement was meant to protect against so companies had to pay their fair share of wealth back to society.
Completely agree, I don’t know specifics of his case. But Japan’s justice system really does sound horrific - if you’re a defendant, there’s no presumption of innocence until proven guilty, and there’s a cultural expectation that you’ll bow to the state and accept guilt regardless of circumstances… seems like a very antiquated system to say the least. I had no idea.
To be fair to him, Japan’s justice system sounds truly awful! I had no idea, but just went down a rabbithole learning about it.
flash forward to an Android cursing on hands and knees trying to vacuum under the fridge
I’m no expert but just helping you kick the tires a little bit - for the audio outs, are you thinking of just running speaker wire from an amp in the server closet to the ceiling of all of the audio out locations?
For what it’s worth, I’ve dabbled with wifi/Bluetooth speakers and while they generally work well, there always seems to be some software update or connectivity dropouts enough that I’d much prefer a wired system to eliminate over-the-air issues for a long-term robust solution.
Yeah that absolutely would have played a big factor, but stress increases stroke risk as well, so it’s likely a combination of issues. I don’t think it should come as a surprise that this happened to him right after he lost his decade-long battle to avoid extradition to the US.
Regardless of what you think of him or his actions, it’s pretty horrible that Hollywood can induce so much prolonged stress on the accused before charges are even faced in court that it results in this.
Or maybe do it via external USB drive or network location. But agree, it would complicate things. Though for light users that might only have a few GB of documents on their computer and mostly do everything in the browser, it might be crazy enough to just work…
Never say never! I worked on the original Dead Space (2008). There’s a minigame in chapter 4 where you have to defend the ship’s hull from incoming asteroids by shooting them with a cannon. On completion of the challenge, there’s some explanation as to why the cannon’s auto-targetting system is back online and you can leave the minigame and the cannon automatically continues shooting asteroids as you wander off. While I was rummaging around the code for this, I stumbled across a quadratic formula implementation. On closer inspection I discovered that some smart cookie had actually implemented the cannon’s auto-targetting system for real! It actually tracked each asteroid’s velocity and speed and aimed ahead of the target to hit it with its slow-moving projectiles. I just assumed the whole thing would be playing a canned animation faking the cannon shooting at the asteroids. My hat goes off to the programmer that decided to solve that problem - it’s one of the very few times I’ve ever seen the quadratic formula used in gamedev!
I’d love to see a Linux distro attempt to implement a migration wizard for Windows users. Do all the heavy lifting for them, including walking them through what personal data and accounts they want to migrate across, creating a bootable USB installer, then running said installer and copying across their data for them. Maybe even detect and install any apps they’re using, or suggest FOSS alternatives. In practice I imagine this would be a nightmare to try and implement effectively, but it’d be pretty cool to see.
The preceding message is really quite an undefined input, as the user copy/pasted some questions from their assignment without phrasing it as a question or cleaning up the formatting.
I wonder what kind of outputs you would get from LLMs if you’d been talking sensibly on certain subjects then started to feed it garbage input. It feels like this might be what happened here.
The official Python tutorial is very well written and is suitable for total beginners:
I think it’s a step in the right direction, though it will be interesting to see where the boundaries are drawn. Does YouTube count? What about gaming platforms like Roblox and Fortnite?
Edit: On further reading about this, I’m changing my mind. I can’t see how this would be implemented effectively without some kind of age verification. Unless it’s a meaningless Steam-style “What’s your birthday?” question, that makes it far more troublesome for everyone’s privacy. I can’t see how it would get off the ground after so many Australians have had their data stolen already.
I remember installing a keylogger on the school library computers, then “accidentally” disconnecting the dialup internet and asking the teacher to type the login credentials again. I bet the ISP was confused when they saw so many concurrent logins after hours, all playing Quake and downloading huge files.
C/C++ still has a huge place in firmware, microcontrollers, operating systems, drivers, application development, video games, real-time systems and so on. It’s a totally different space of programming to webdev, which might explain the surprise.
Oh wow, I’m very much looking forward to this argument… “We believe pirating the copyrighted commercial works of others en masse to develop our own commercial product constitutes fair use… China bad!”