Well, they had one albums worth of songs then one member quit. Then other members just added Lars Fredrickson and became Rancid. Like, I love op-iv but rancid scratches that itch and people prob want some more diversity in their list.
Well, they had one albums worth of songs then one member quit. Then other members just added Lars Fredrickson and became Rancid. Like, I love op-iv but rancid scratches that itch and people prob want some more diversity in their list.
Dead Kennedys
Leftover crack/choking victim
Black Flag
(Dishonorable mention to Justin Sane. Anti-Flag was a huge part of me developing my sense of ethics and social justice. Sad about what a dick he turned out to be.)
I’m not going to watch it but I’m happy shooter is getting a paycheck. He’s such an underrated character actor.
For me it was “Dear Zachary”. Mostly because it’s a documentary, not because it’s gory or anything. It’s just a heart wrenching documentary.
I started on Jeroba and switched to Connect. I like the UI much, much better. It does seem a little slower though and it crashes everyone in a while. Generally happy with connect though.
“I have a feeling you dont know how musk or most of these billionaires have so much money. When he purchased twitter, he sold Tesla stock to get the required funds.”
Musk used money his father made from apartheid era south Africa to go to Canada so he can dodge mandatory military service. Then he started a company that was half of a good idea. He merged companies with another conservative ghoul named Peter Theil to form paypal and sold it. Then he invested in a bunch of green energy start ups to take advantage of Obama era policies to jump start the industry AKA welfare for the rich.
“He paid $11 billion in taxes on the sold shares. He is just playing the game with the rules he is given. But yeah, you are coming off as a hater.”
Musk paid a 25% tax rate on on 44 billion dollars… boo fucking hoo. You billionaire apologist dipshits are the most pathetic fucking dumb fucks I can imagine. Wipe Elons cum off your fucking chin and think of something more substantive than “people being haters” goofy bitch ass mother fucker.
Pointlessly hateful? LMAO.
My point is about the consolidation of wealth and the ultra rich hoarding that much wealth/power is bad for society.
I think Musk should have to had to pay so much in taxes he should worth, only, 50 billion dollars. If you call that “hate” you should learn about what hate actually is. Clown.
This is a really lame perspective you have. If Musk was a country he’d be the 50th wealthiest country in the world.
Wanting to see someone with that much power lose as much as of that power as possible is socially responsible imo. Trying to minimize the opinion of people who are pissed at him using his power to signal boost hate speech as “just because they don’t like him” is a really fucking empty headed dumb fuck analysis.
Ska punk is splitting hairs for sure. Legit saw someone with the specials on their list lol