There are alternatives, but people don’t move to them, so they don’t improve. I2P is a good alternative for torrent, but not many people want to move to it.
There are alternatives, but people don’t move to them, so they don’t improve. I2P is a good alternative for torrent, but not many people want to move to it.
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a protocol for messaging and XDCC is a file sharing method that it uses.
Usenet is basically the first forum to exist on the internet and people discovered that they could share files by encoding them into messages, for example lets say I take a file encode and divide it over a 1000 tweets. I would also make a file called NZB to find the messages and share it, so people could download it. Usenet still exists for file sharing, but it is paid. You would need an indexer that finds the files and a usenet service. Honestly you could get both indexer and the usenet service for as cheap as $2.5 per month way cheaper than Netflix.
For more info about usenet check out:
Fair enough, but I did try with tracker couldn’t connect with anyone, switched to I2PSnark worked very well.
The problem is that qbitorrent doesn’t support DHT via I2P only trackers, you can clearly see the difference in peer numbers if you use I2PSnark. Officially it should work, but I couldn’t get any peers.
Let me introduce you to Library STC.
Go to usenet, it is way better, or IRC if these torrent are slow.
Yeah I noticed that qbittorrent doesn’t get me peers only i2psnark, but i2psnark is an awful client.
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I only found out when I saw a setting for I2P in qbittorrent, I went and researched about them.
How is it compared to private trackers?
What do you mean enclosed system? There are I2P trackers.
It is harder to use than Tor though. Qbittorrent also supports I2P.
Anytime.The trick is to use google to search reddit. Reddit has a very crappy search function you can’t find anything. I always just go to google to search reddit. By the way I would suggest using Ali express it has cheap IPTV from what I heard.
For example:
Look at the Q/A.
Never tried them, but they seem good. Reddit is full of iptv ads.
Not just porn anything related to piracy is referred to as Linux distro it is to avoid subreddit being banned.
Thanks, I used to pay for netflix, but no one in the household watched it, they wanted stuff that it’s not on netflix or got removed. More streaming services popped up and it wasn’t worth paying for it anymore. Even with three indexers lifetime and drunkenslug and an ultimate provider and two blocks. I feel over the years it is cheaper than netflix, the lifetimes will pay for themselves and the blocks don’t expire. I only pay $2.5 per month for the ultimate. Netflix used to be good when it was the only streaming service and they weren’t cancelling every good show.
Never used srrdb does it just list warez releases, also it is missing a lot of releases.
It was a new movies that came out 5 days before I started to download it, in the end I had to go to torrrent galaxy and it only had one or two releases for it, good quality though. It would probably download okay if I put it on Radarr before it was released, so it would pick it up before it got taken down. I NTD block to complement my DMCA ultimate provider lets see how it goes. Funny enough I decided to go check IRC which I haven’t opened for years and found the exact release that got taken down in Usenet.
I used this (, I don’t think they care about IRC as much as Usenet and torrent.
Yeah I might be a bit paranoid, on reddit usenet it is very common to refer to pirated content as linux distros. I edited it again, but with movies and tv shows. I guess I picked it as a habit with how frequently I use the reddit Usenet subreddit.
I do use usenet but dcma takedowns are very quick these days that new movies get removed very quickly, is IRC better in this aspect, also I don’t have private tracker and public trackers are noticeably worse than usenet in terms of release groups.
In the future if you are able to get your own router opensense is a great firmware for it. Also check out selfhosted you will learn alot from there.
Glad to see people promoting I2P, which should all move to I2P.