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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2024


  • Putin has been on Tucker Carlson and remained fairly clear since the beginning that this war is not about killing Ukraine people (in a genocide as you word it)… in fact the genocide is really happening as a result of US influence, Russia has many legitimate reasons to seek unification of Ukraine with Russian interests, I don’t agree with them, but I disagree that it is a US interest to send US taxpayer money to Ukraine for weapons and arms to prolong this war.

    America simply cannot afford to forever siphon money out of the coffers to Ukraine which then purchase weapons and arms which then make the weapons and arms dealers more powerful and wealthy… it’s a wholesale scam, just as we saw in the Middle East… Orwell predicted this, long drawn out pointless wars that suddenly stop when a new war is created. Today we’re told Russia bad guy, tomorrow it might be palestines Hamas, in the future we may see a forever war with China…

    It doesn’t really matter at this point. America just like other allied nations should stay out of other people’s wars. Military tax money should be on a need to have basis only