Right? We don’t have nice things because we put up with bull crap.
If using neopronouns didn’t get a reaction out of people, they wouldn’t do it.
Respecting all pronouns is the best way to deal with trolls.
No one wants to be a flasher in a nudist colony.
It’s how we’re conditioned to behave by society from birth. Break the rules and you get punished.
It requires more precision, sure, but there are absolutely bakers who can taste a dough and tweak the water/flour/oil etc. ratios to get the perfect bread.
It’s only different from other kinds of cooking because most people haven’t developed those senses. If you knew what you were doing, you could bake from scratch without a recipe easily and go by “vibes” (i.e. based on sensory input).
Lenin was not wealthy. Stalin was not wealthy. Despite the many failings of the USSR, let us not forget that compared to life under the Tzars it was a smashing success.
And it did put power in the hands of people who weren’t born to privilege.