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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • Slay and serve are part of the drag/queer community lexicon that were made popular (iirc) in the NY ballroom scene. No one cares when 6th graders use them or if they stop.

    If you watch queer media or hang out with The Gays, you’ll hear them all the time. They’re a bit campy, but not cringe.

  • This the order in which you should try to access papers:

    1. Normal Internet search including quotes to force the title and components like “pdf”
    2. Organizational/lab pages of the authors. Very many people will put either full papers or preprints on their personal professional pages.
    3. Preprint services like arXiv. The ones you look at will be determined by subject area. Preprints will usually only differ from the published work in formatting.
    4. Just email the authors. Most of us are so happy that virtually anyone wants to read the paper we spent months on that we will happily send a copy. Because people are busy you might need to hit them up a couple of times, but most will be more than happy to send you a copy, and most publications specifically carve out to allow authors to do that.

  • No, that’s not a good example at all. This is closer to Orwell’s Newspeak, in which the government makes a word mean its opposite in order to force a change to the way people think.

    A more relevant example is the use of the term “fake news.” The term was originally coined to talk about Trump making up “facts” on the fly that were completely disconnected from reality. Then Trump started using the term to refer to news articles he didn’t like.

    He was even asked at one point if by “fake news” he meant the story wasn’t true. He said no - he meant he thinks it’s not something the media should be talking about, true or not.

    For his fans and for the media in general, it’s come to mean “false,” but that’s an inversion of the original meaning, which is that Trump was inventing “facts,” mutated to Trump thinking the media shouldn’t be reporting on his extensive dealings with Russians, and finally being interpreted as challenging whether those fully documented and verified meetings even really happened.

  • I absolutely loved House - to the point of distraction - because I identified so strongly with Hugh Laurie’s character. Having myself a tendency in that direction (which I’ve worked, with intermediate success, to overcome), it was very easy so see the world through his eyes.

    I even really liked the repeating theme of his always being wholly confident that his initial diagnosis is 100% right, then being proven wrong and being full in on his secondary being right, and finally having his third being right is very very familiar from my own career.

  • I grew up going to the Natural History Museum in NYC and it’s a huge part of the reason I went into biology. The blue whale is amazing to see and experience. I had a mini panic attack thinking they were taking it down, but couldn’t confirm it on other sites.

    I’m very relieved to find that it was just an Onion article.

  • Thank you so much for your thoughtful and kind response.

    You have changed my mind on the subject. As a queer person it’s easy to see us as one big community, and I know that things like humor can read totally differently than how they sound over brunch. And as I said, I have always meant that kind of parodying in an explicitly trans supporting kind of way.

    But your comment made me understand that those are not my jokes to make. We are all team rainbow, but the experiences of the trans community, especially now, belong to the trans community. While it was not my intention to trigger an emotional reaction, the fact that I did so and your very gentle and kind correction has made me resolve to not make that mistake again.

    So you changed a mind today and educated a person. Thank you, and all love to you ❤️