The deb version is a pointer to the snap in their repos. Nothings being replaced, it no longer exists. The deb version of Firefox in Ubuntu repos is a wrapper that installs snap and has no binaries in it. Has been for 3 years or so.
The deb version is a pointer to the snap in their repos. Nothings being replaced, it no longer exists. The deb version of Firefox in Ubuntu repos is a wrapper that installs snap and has no binaries in it. Has been for 3 years or so.
You don’t need special docks in KDE, its all configurable through the default desktop settings. You have enough knobs to make it look like anything.
Might be Brodie’s?
In Plasma 6 there are a crazy number of ways to skin and change the look.
This video was a good way for me to learn some of the basics. https://youtu.be/R6C-RNhHMrE
KDEs vision is letting users have the experience they want. You can have a vision without limiting configurability and cramming bad UX down the pipe to your users.
I used Gnome Shell 3 for 4 years before giving up on it and going to KDE.
The huge differentiator is that KDE may look like windows OOTB on most distros, but if you want you can easily make it look like Gnome, Mac, Unity… whatever. The panels and menus are infinitely configurable.
And that is why this meme is dead on the money. I’ve come to hate dev teams that have “visions” that they cram down users throats regardless of the experience. And the irony is that Gnome 2 used to be much more configurable than older KDE versions.
I did a wtf at dude 4 in frame 3 until I realized he was getting punched and not… well… if you don’t see it maybe I’m just net-warped.
What a horrible day to have eyes.
Ohhh today I learned the lost the negative and the scene is too low res…
Yes I have seen that one and I have no idea why they would ever remove that. As you said, its a critical point.
A friend said to me: “It’s great because Michael Caine acts like the Muppets are real, and Treasure Island is great because Tim Curry acts like he’s a Muppet.”
Hey no worries, I dunno why I even called that out. Lack of sleep due to back pain and responding to posts at 2am I guess
That’s some shitty ‘hacking’…
But what makes these shell commands ‘bash’ exactly? Seems like this could be a half-dozen shells.
Also… why are ‘hackers’ always using a shell in some gui program?
I have a gloriously reduced monthly subscription footprint and application footprint because of all the motherfuckers that tied ChatGPT or other AI into their garbage and updated their terms to say they were going to scan my private data with AI.
And, even if they pull it, I don’t think I’ll ever go back. No more cloud drives, no more ‘apps’. Webpages and local files on a file share I own and host.
Meanwhile Western leaders are still putting their fingers in their ears going “Nah nah nah, this is a war between neighbours”
How many foreign nations need to out boots in Ukraine on Russia’s side before NATO wakes the fuck up to the fact that WW3 has begun, exactly? 10?
I’d go back to the Yukon Gold Rush and make sure Fred Trump never made it out of Canada.
Edit: Doh! No consequences… huh. I’m not really sure it would be worth the trip then.
With Martok
Most importantly always break well before a turn in snow. Never break in a turn.
OCRemix.Org already does this with their music, so its possible.