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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2021


  • Nah it would be better.

    Of course you are operating under the childish assumption that either of them would act like the USA, which is nonsense. Neither ever did so in their history. Russia was always happy to stay to itself and be secure, that meant you had a great neighbour and trade partner if you did not fuck with it. China could have conquered most of its neighbours multiple times it its history, but rarely ventured out of what are now the chinese borders, historically extremely defensive and trade oriented.

    meanwhile the USA has been at peace for less than 15 years during its entire history. Of all those wars, almost all were ones of aggression.

    You compare two sane people to a frothing berserker yelling “MAIM! KILL! BURN! LOOT!” ad infinitum.

  • Holy strawman. Can you do something else but repeating western propaganda as facts? Your Tiananmen tirade is based on lies, eye witnesses debunked it. Completely.

    You also whitewash the hungarian counterrevolution. And use the wrong acronym for the CPC. And STILL believe in the Uyghur genocide hoax?! Still, no muslim country supports the western accusations. And have no clue about anti-imperialism. Because a country pushing back US influence form its doorstep is bad somehow?

    Buddy: When western intelligence (any intelligence really) relase something, they do so intentionally. You need to be incredibly gullible to believe otherwise.

    You talk about “simple truths”, yet don’t even understand what the fuck you’re talking about. Grow the fuck up and learn to use your brain, it felt embarrassed reading your stupidity.