Doesn’t matter, it will still scan for those devices
Doesn’t matter, it will still scan for those devices
Putting a license on a comment isn’t how licensing works.
One party can’t unilaterally decide we are in a contract (what a license is).
If they moved their comment behind a wall and required clicking “I agree” then it would be a valid agreement.
It’s the same thing as people posting “don’t use my data” in their Facebook wall. It’s not how legal agreements work.
Any AI crawler will just suck up their data regardless of them putting a license in their comments.
If they truly want to stop AI from using their comment, they should advocate for a more robust robots.txt on their instances server.
You know that license does nothing?
You do know the cartels mostly deal in USD?
In order to deal in pesos they would import their USD from the US, then convert it into pesos?
That makes no sense.
You do know that isn’t how licenses work?
Defaults are very important.
The jetbrains default hotkeys is in direct conflict to the “typical defaults” for hotkeys you see in the world
I don’t think “good” was the point. I think the point GP was making was that they are uniquely American chains.