My brother in Christ, installing a .deb is downloading the .deb directly, as you would when downloading discord from, and you use dpkg to install it (apt uses dpkg to install the deb file).
You saying “the deb file” is not the same as “using the official repo”, as dependencies might not have been installed by only using the .deb file.
Make sense?
What .deb file? Their page says to add a repo and use apt:
sudo apt install curl
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install brave-browser
And how did you install brave?
I meant L.I.N.U.X: Linux Is Not UniX
Linux Is Not UniX? Linux?
Windows version is native now, I think
I’ve always thought it’s like: 0- is freezing, 10 is cold, 20 is ok, 30 is hot, 40+ is hell
What are you using to switch the GPU? Have you tried alternatives? EnvyControl for example.
Also, have you checked if you’re using ONLY Radeon-Vulkan for the AMDGPU, and not AMDVLK also?
How do you handle which GPU is used in which game? I would guess you have an AMD iGPU, and a Nvidia GPU for games, right? Maybe something along those lines got updated?
What about cosmopolitan?
Please send feedback in
I’m really looking forward to using something like rust coreutils, but only once the testing passes the gnu test suite (
Oh, for sure. Windows marketshare never drops only because of its friendly community.
I’m not against them, at all. I use them extensively. I just wish I could use them for everything!
I would love to install a browser, and a password manager through flatpaks but they won’t talk with each other.
I would get an IDE like visual studio code, through flathub, but it doesn’t talk with the system software I want to develop on.
I would love to get Steam or any other games as flatpaks but having to redownload mesa and other system files just for that uses a lot of space and feels like a second OS.
So yeah, I agree with you. It’s awesome! But it has some flaws right now (that I’m sure they’re being worked on)
What about going out at night? Serious question, as I tried to fix my sleep cycle but failed because of weekends with friends staying up until late, or my kids waking me up in the middle of the night.
Thank you! Will do!
I just switched from Arch to Endeavour to Fedora! My 2 cents: