Love this… Imagine the kid getting the cake
Love this… Imagine the kid getting the cake
Many big studios use linux (red hat or rocky, although I’m not sure what is the industry standard distro nowadays) for their 3d side of the pipeline, that would include all of that software and more. I think Zbrush is the only one that doesn’t have official Linux compatibility and the hardest one to run, but don’t quote me on that.
You are right in that finding good support for issues that pop up in Linux is hard, especially for the average joe that doesn’t have a team of specialized IT support. But when you make things work, the results are way more efficient.
No, but now that you point it out I can’t unsee it
Extra fast shipping I guess, or click and collect somewhere
Wait, there’s a new wave of migrants? What happened on Reddit now?
Play games, watch movies, spend time with family and split whatever money I got left with them.
Sure but what would be the advantage in human s case?
Couchsitters have more job opportunities minding the couches while their owners are away. Divansitters are more niche. Most people have couches nowadays
You are right in your final statement about the hard shell, and the size ratio, but that doesn’t make it completely impossible. Egg laying could work for humans if the shell was leathery and flexible, like that of some reptiles.
Humans could lay an egg large enough to hold a newborn, and since at the time of laying the insides of the egg would be mostly still liquid, a flexible shell would work out just fine for passage. Then the baby would develop inside the egg. Just like with birds.
For non native English speakers (such as myself), these things can get tricky. It can be difficult to know which preposition is right especially when in relation to non-tangible concepts such as time, accidents, or purpose. Please do correct them though, people eventually learn with repetition.
I believe it’s very similar to falling asleep, and you may even tap into a dreamlike state of consciousness depending on your circumstances. Eventually, your self awareness stops and fades into nothingness. What you see if anything at all, and what your perception of time is or how self aware of the situation you are will depend a lot on the circumstances of the death and your individual make up, the same way not everyone dreams the same way or even remembers dreaming at all.
I want a tshirt and a set of coasters with this motif
Wait wait is that the one with Nick Nolte? I almost watched that one in full, I missed the first 20 minutes or so
Wot!? Dude!! I started playing DnD just to get the nerd card and this is how I find out I still don’t qualify??? I’ve watched X-Men (2000) though, does that count?
Pulp fiction. It’s been on my list for ages, for some reason I never get around to watch it.
Breaking Bad
The walking dead
There’s lots more among the popular titles but I think those are my worst blindspots when it comes to popular media.
Art is a form of expression, and an artist doesn’t exist by itself but within its community and social environment. I’ve heard that so many times while studying art and I always thought it was BS and then life happens and your perspectives change, many, many times and finally you get it. It’s true. The standards are set by the culture or subcultures you interact with, and you can’t get that from a single person. Everyone here will have a valid answer yet none will be enough to answer your question.
Personally I believe good art is that which resonates with its audience in a positive manner. But I don’t have a single set of standards, most art is good or bad according to something. It really depends.
Oh so this is their business model now, interesting.