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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 20th, 2022


  • Basically 100% of parents who have killed their newborns by throwing them in dumpsters are women.

    Is this article about a newborn being killed? Or is it about a woman being killed by her partner? If it’s the latter, how often are women killed by their men compared to men being killed by women? If it’s the latter, why are you bringing up points relevant to the former? Please, please, please answer these questions. You’re engaging in the very logical fallacy you’re citing.

    If this were a discussion about a black man being killed by a white police officer, would it make any sense to bring up stats about black men killing white police officers? Because that’s pretty much what you’re doing right now in an attempt to deflect from the main issue. I often see white supremacists in conservative spaces doing this, i.e. mentioning George Floyd’s criminal record or irrelevant stats about crime by black men to deflect from Derek Chauvin murdering him, and I think what you’re saying is fundamentally no different-- just with women/sexism instead of black men/racism.

    Edit: Nevermind, just blocked ya. You’re the same clown that said this about women who fear being killed in the USA:

    A completely irrational fear in the US at least, given that in a country of 340,000,000, less than 5,000 women are murdered a year. And that’s even if you pretended every single murder was by a rejected man.

    Stop letting ideological propaganda make you paranoid.

    Fuck off, you hate women and you’re trying desperately to gaslight them.

  • This is a discussion about a woman who was murdered, so why on earth would you bring up irrelevant stats? There’s a reason why you’re deflecting. Your only contribution to this discussion is a comment telling me to "stfu" because you’d rather deflect than confront sexism. The older I get, the less surprised I am to see not so low-key sexism in leftist spaces. You could have made any kind of comment in this thread and all you decided on was "bUt wHat aBoUT [irrelevant subject]".

    It’s so disappointing, frustrating and downright exhausting. I fully expect this kind of rhetoric from conservatives and liberals but it just sucks to hear it in leftist spaces by people who claim to be allies to marginalized people. I honestly think I’m just going to take a break from online spaces like Lemmy and stick to my one community that just happens to be created/lead by a woman. Shit like this is why so many leftist websites and local clubs just turn into a hangout for mostly white guys cluelessly wondering why there’s so little diversity. ✌🏾

  • Pretty weird that you’re baselessly accusing this person of doing similar things just for asking whether or not she’s doing this in the absence of a viable transportation alternative.

    Like why are people on this site such dicks? It’s way past Reddit levels of snark and it just makes for a shitty experience here. It’s like hanging out with a bunch of jaded and snarky IT guys.

    I’m no fan of shitty drivers and I think if we live in a world where license suspensions are a thing, that’s fine but don’t be surprised when stuff like this happens when public transit sucks. It may exist but there’s a reason why a lot of folks prefer their car over poorly funded public transit.

  • Because you’re making stuff up. Literally every install of an OS has some little issue here and there-- but this is my mistake for assuming any Linux community could be humble enough to cut the BS and stop acting like Linux is a flawless experience. I’m out, keep hanging out at that ~5% market cap and wondering why folks don’t flock over despite it being free.

  • I feel like you’re completely leaving out the gap that there will between what we’ve achieved now vs 1000 years from now. If there’s advanced life out there that’s been around for long enough, I don’t think it’s biased to say that there’s a chance their tech is far more advanced than ours. I understand what you’re saying, but let’s not pretend we’re the true generation where there won’t be any major breakthroughs. There will be, but they’ll just take longer than before. To make technological leaps comparable from the 1800s to now, it may very well take from now to the year 3000, but the point is the notion that we’re past the point of major leaps is unfounded and based on the false notion that I’m saying in 300 years we can expect technological leaps as large as we’ve seen in the last 300 years.