Go to BlueSky for political news. Lemmy news and politics is compromised

  • 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024

  • How can he have leverage over hostages he has no access to? If Israel says, “give us more funding and we won’t bomb the hostages and we will work to free them,” then that’s what Biden did. Do I think he did well? No. But that’s not my argument, whether Biden did well. My argument is what Trump did behind the scenes.

    Trump coordinated with Netanyahu and Putin who were in charge of their respective countries. Trump didn’t have to be president for this, obviously, it wouldn’t have worked if he was because he’d be blackmailing himself lol.

    Maybe if you keep chanting “it makes zero sense,” it’ll be true 👍 Israel isn’t “in charge” of the US (source needed, you sound like MTG and Jewish Space Lasers ppl) but they certainly were using our hostages against us.

  • Have you read American Kompromat? What about seen Active Measures? What about the literal protests happening TODAY in Slovakia? What about Georgia? What about Romania? South Korea?

    American hostages were being used against Joe Biden, just like when Regan and Iran used American hostages against Carter. It’s really not a leap.

    May you suffer for hiding this information and pretending it isn’t real. May as much harm come to you as you have done to the world through suppressing it. I curse you.

  • Yeah, from what I’ve gathered, Putin has enslaved and trafficked his own people (and in some cases killed and grave robbed them) for money and blackmail. Remember the monkey torture video rings? Well, it seems like Putin was doing that with his own people along with prisoners and trafficked people from other countries, to make every kind of video you could think of, to sell to influential people worldwide to gain blackmail on them. He also likely had irl experiences that people like Trump engaged in.

    In Michael Wolff’s Fire&Fury podcast and book, he asserts Russia has pictures of Trump with topless minors. Katie Johnson also said he raped her and another girl when they were 13 and 12, and hit them afterwards for not performing good enough. This is absolutely a man who would engage in disturbing behavior overseas, and Epstein himself called Trump depraved and said there was nothing he couldn’t do. You can listen to Epstein himself say it in the podcast.

    There’s also the Active Measures documentary with John McCain and Hilary Clinton. And Unger’s book American Kompromat.

    So yeah, it’s likely the snuff videos from Russia you’d see on 4chan and Instagram were state sponsored media meant to get money and blackmail. It’s likely the extreme Russian torture videos were state sponsored. It’s likely that Tulsi, Elon (who admitted in court this year he has a kink roleplay account on X of his toddler XAE, who he took to meet Erdogan and keeps kidnapped from his mom), JDolphin Vance, RFK Jr, Tucker “a demon scratched me in bed not my dogs and no Putin isnt blackmailing me to say this as a wink towards what im being blackmailed for” Carlson, and all the rest, have SERIOUS SERIOUS blackmail on them.

    All at the expense of Russian people and enslaved people.