What is it instead? (And yes obviously what I said is a grotesquely exaggerated version of the situation as I understand it.)
What is it instead? (And yes obviously what I said is a grotesquely exaggerated version of the situation as I understand it.)
“There are no people here so I tell people not to come here.”
Do you see the issue?
It seems unlikely that you think that internet slang is commonly found in conventional books of the past “few thousand years” or even that you think that there simply must be a recent book using this specific feature of internet slang - suggesting that you have some ulterior motive in asking the question. But okay: Do you think that internet slang is commonly found in conventional books of the past “few thousand years” or that there simply must be a recent book using this specific feature of internet slang?
You realise that “/s” is barely old enough to drink in some US states, yeah? How about you just say what you’re trying to say instead of asking cryptic questions?
I mean, arguably, conditions permitting, you don’t necessarily need to be an actual, full fledged member of anything to participate. But in any case, yes, please do, we need new blood.
Alright, have a nice day.
It is becoming difficult to keep assuming you’re not being intentionally obtuse.
Imagine a big burly person with a big beard who is read by most people as “man” entering a bathroom labelled “women” - because that’s the “relevant” one for their genitals. Do you really think there wouldn’t be SOME sort of reaction?
You probably mean well but you absolutely cannot tell me you never ever use pronouns. Language doesn’t work like that.
And we haven’t even started talking about the Bathroom Issue.
The fact that you’re not aware how frequently gendered language is used may not be your fault but it is a result of your privilege.
Girl, I don’t know what to tell you here.
Congratulations on your privilege.
I’m pretty sure they used to do this, at least a hundred years ago, way back when companies first realised that there’s endless free real estate for adverts on the internet. Always wondered why they stopped.
I speak languages that differentiate between “t” and “d”.
Almost as if what’s in the photo, for all we know, might be strawberry mush.
The original original post.
Listen, I know that the FDA in the US is banning that one type of red dye - even though I’m not from the US. That’s how unavoidable the topic is if you’re just a little too online. That’s the cultural context. Now show me in the original post where it says “red dye”.
The post is about sauce that happens to be red. The post cleverly avoids saying “food dye” and everybody just assumes it must be about food dye because of cultural context.
My main point being that not every food that is red has artificial food dye in it.
Sure, I suppose. And that state of affairs won’t change if more women who might be able to put up some resistance don’t join. Maybe not your 14 year old cousin who’s in the middle of a major depressive episode but it’s not like all women will have a psychotic break when they are confronted with idiots. I can deal with it fine and I’m not exactly a paramount of mental health.