Damn greenland expanded that bad? We didn’t notice?? They’re close to world domination now
Just a gamer, might stream again one day: https://www.twitch.tv/kualdir
Find my socials at http://kualdir.eu/
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Damn greenland expanded that bad? We didn’t notice?? They’re close to world domination now
This only works if you go to the green countries:
Edit: Source
Maar een tegenstander van een ban stelt: „Boycot liever alle nutteloze rommel die uit China komt.”
(Someone against a ban says: “Boycott all the useless stuff from China”)
Why not both?
They fine people who pirate
Check out FMHY
This’ll keep happening until you’ve put tarrifs everywhere
All key sellers on http://isthereanydeal.com/ benefit the developer
Its better to pirate than buy from sites like G2A and kinguin where you could also sell your keys cause those are mostly fraudulent.