I agree that niacin is great for sleep, but that’s quite a large dose of niacin. The average person is going to have a pretty significant flush effect just from a 50mg dose. 1g is gonna prickle and burn like nobody’s business.
I agree that niacin is great for sleep, but that’s quite a large dose of niacin. The average person is going to have a pretty significant flush effect just from a 50mg dose. 1g is gonna prickle and burn like nobody’s business.
I would love it if the auto TL;DR bot would summarize every article about nestle with simply, “Fuck nestle” and save its compute cycles for other news.
Agree on the attachment concept. Also, the Clone Wars connection of Obi-Wan to Bail Organa was not established while Qui-Gon was still alive, so the continuity of Leia’s holographic plea would have been broken.