I use sway so keybinds are
bindsym $mod+p exec grim
^ super simple version of my my grim keybind. I tie it with slurp. Either way, i’ll give it a shot!
Music, games, foss, reading, biking & more
I use sway so keybinds are
bindsym $mod+p exec grim
^ super simple version of my my grim keybind. I tie it with slurp. Either way, i’ll give it a shot!
I’ll wear one as i get cremated.
i just tried it in sway and it works!
but now the whole section in waybar is upsizing & downsizing with the music. * shrug emoji
i just tried it in plasma and it works fine. i use waybar with sway on the same computer. so maybe its a sway problem?
so, funnily enough, the icons stayed the same size when i increased the bar height. https://imgur.com/2tnjRZ2
i mean that more as.general statement.
Dont shit on crosley. It helps people get into a great hobby at a fucking great price point. It’s like shitting on guitarists for having a squire strat instead of an american standard strat.
i was working so, no.
that was exactly it! thank you!
lol, i sincerely apologize for ruining everyones day.
i’ll try that
learning new stuff every day!
sorry, fish is shell, terminal is kitty. you are correct.
That worked perfectly! Thanks!