Queen HawlSera

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneCapiruleism
    1 month ago

    Literally most of that can also be applied to Episode IV… For that which cannot

    Starkiller base didn’t just blow up one planet, it blew up SEVERAL planets with SEVERAL figureheads… Asking why the Rebel Alliance’s Government doesn’t exist anymore is like asking why the American Government is limited to just the Enclave in Fallout. BIG FUCKING NUKE!

    as for Sidious being her dad, blame the fanboys who REALLY wanted her to be Luke’s kid that complained about the “nobody” reveal in Last Jedi

    The sequels aren’t perfect, but the haters shat on the prequels too… Heck Star Wars fans hate Star Wars movies so much that the only film that’s safe to “like” in a group of Star Wars fans in A New Hope, and even then it better not be any of the Special Editions.

  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneCapiruleism
    1 month ago

    Either the server didn’t relay that to the kitchen, or the kitchen didn’t do their due diligence. But either way, someone employed by Disney seriously fucked up, and a person died as a result.

    Given what I know about the restaurant industry, the chef probably thought the lady was just being “bratty” and made up her allergy to get a “special order”, and ignored the substitution request. Sadly I know too many “proud chefs” who just straight up ignore these things and the consequences when they trust their instinct instead of the order is

    That said, I’ve also heard of careless wait staff… had a friend of a friend go to a restaraunt and order diet coke. He felt light-headed after his third glass and realized his coke tasted “off”, when asked the waitress just told him

    “Oh, I just went ahead and gave you regular since you’re kinda skinny anyway.”

    Bro was skinny yes, but that’s not why he ordered diet. He was actually diabetic and had to go to the hospital to avoid dying as the “light headedness” was his body starting to going to shock.

    Needless to say, she was fired and the restaraunt was sued for the medical bills.

  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneCapiruleism
    1 month ago

    No the story of the sequels is fine, the only contradiction is that Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker tonally feel like they belong in different trilogies and it’s a weird whiplash… but it’s a pretty consistently Star Wars level of stupid (I mean except for that dagger, that was just stupid)

    And this is another reason I hate Andor, the fanbase. Tired of having people say “Oh it’s okay, you’re clearly too dumb to understand Andor. Obviously the show is perfect and you’re just an idiot, maybe stick with something more your speed like Spongebob eh champ?”, and talk down to me because I don’t like everyone’s favorite show. I have never been so insulted in all my life quite like the “Oh, you’re just intellectually impaired.” I keep getting from Andor fans when they realize I dislike the show, and as a transgender woman living in America, that is saying something.

    Like, I can and have watched “smart shows” and “slow burns” before and enjoyed them. I just specifically don’t like Andor.

  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneCapiruleism
    1 month ago

    I mean I guess I can respect people who wanted something different, but it was too different. The earlier episodes seem to legitimately be ashamed of wanting anything to do with Star Wars and tried to avoid familiar imagery… That and again, the show is just boring.

    Like why did we spend two episodes getting to know this resistance force if they’re all just going to die in the Heist and never be mentioned again? I mean I get it, they’re not heroes they’re just normal people desperate to fight back against a corrupt system, but I’d appreciate that more if they were in anyway likable… They’re not as they mostly just spend the whole of their screen time whining that Andor “isn’t one of the cool kids” as if they’ve never heard the phrase “Many hands make light work” before.

    Like I hated this cast so much that when they were doing their drills and a tie fighter flew over head, I was just BEGGING for it to kill them… Sadly when the heist finally does happen, I feel nothing because the past two episodes were nothing but these resistance guys screaming at each other like they’re the disposable teenagers in an old horror movie and the opening of this episode was just 15 minutes of uninterrupted marching… I mean, I don’t mind building to something, but there’s building to something and stalling to meet a run-time; This felt like the latter

    And I have no idea why they even bothered introducing the Kyber Crystal if nothing was going to really be done with it… It just felt like they needed to name drop the kyber crystal to remind you those exist…

    Every reason why I DESPISE Andor can be summed up with “The Heist Arc”, the Prison Arc was better, but… It’s way too easy to suffer burnout while watching this show and by that point I was just happy that it at least felt like Star Wars. If I saw the Prison Arc in a vacuum I’d have loved it (Especially after how badly Book of Boba Fett just completely shit the bed), but on the heels of that Heist Arc my patience had been worn way too thin.