It was for me at least, only moved to Linux after spending a long time with the steam deck
Dude same the weekend just flew by and I had 35h of playtime according to steam by yesterday. Even plays somewhat decently on the deck too! I’m a bit less hopeful on the GameFreak waking up part however x)
I haven’t played FFXIV since switching to Linux so I haven’t tested this, but it seems there’s a Dalamud plugin to have the ACT plugin working without having to deal with ACT itself.
It was around 22€ if I remember correctly
I honestly had to do a double take when I went past this, didn’t know people were out there eating gamepads
Also this one
It’s just like me frfr
You can own certain Steam games as much as you can own them on GOG, which is to say it’s completely up to the publisher/devs.