You can, if you have a functioning republic.
You can, if you have a functioning republic.
Wow, I assumed this was just some lighthearted trolling. I think they might actually be upset.
Context for anyone who didn’t get the joke.
-British Super Troopers movie maybe?
Just go with loose leaf, if you like tea you’ll be doing yourself a favor anyways because it’s much better tea.
Either way, loose leaf is just better.
Glass is heavier and more breakable, making it more expensive (read: less profitable for companies) . There’s a limit to how much people will pay for stuff, so the more corners companies can cut to reduce their costs, the more money they make off of us and hope us consumers don’t catch on that the overall quality has gone down.
Even a lot of the stuff labeled as “compostable” doesn’t really compost under real life conditions, if you want to avoid this (and make better tea) just use loose leaf and a reusable metal pods or pour it through a fine mesh strainer. No microplastic bullshit and it just tastes better than the stale bagged shit.
I’ll have to check that out, thanks!
Thanks! Damn, maybe I should move to Mbin. Anyone know if there’s a good mobile client for it?
Could you, like, maybe post the explanation we’re supposed to be discussing for context instead of making us go search for it?
That list keeps getting smaller
I beat my wife at Mario Kart and now she won’t play me anymore.
You can also mash them, boil them, or put them in a stew.
Africa/Middle east is what I’d heard previously but I think the article I last read was a misunderstanding of this:
Looks like it might have just been a poorly written headline but the earliest stuff I’ve heard in the past was either Africa or Middle East:
I might have misread it but I’d previously heard Africa and somewhere in the middle east (Ur, current day Iraq was a big city)
Hell if I know, it just seems to happen. I don’t think I can consciously do it.
You could use a potato, don’t need crazy specs
Just be sure to brew it at the right temperature. I ruined green tea for years until someone pointed out I was doing it wrong by using boiling water. I never realized you’re supposed to brew it at or under 160F