You’re right, it isn’t!
Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. In fact, I’m pretty sure it is in direct OPPOSITION to Judaism, if you follow the fundamentals.
You’re right, it isn’t!
Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. In fact, I’m pretty sure it is in direct OPPOSITION to Judaism, if you follow the fundamentals.
How does your city produce enough trash to justify pickups twice daily? That’s fuckin’ wild lol
This TV suddenly started spewing Russian subtitles, this is what happened to it’s hardware….
I’m employed, I only get 3 of those things.
That would be funny, but I actually just read how some EU countries have more “admissions” than America. They just don’t lock them away in labor camps.
It was actually on the AI Overview, so take that with a grain of salt lol
We don’t get the weapons contracts, homie.
We don’t get the cheap labor, homie.
-Immortal Technique
Slavery is legal as a punishment, and America has 25% of the world’s incarcerated people.
We used to have laws requiring products made by American slaves to state such, but those have since been gutted or loopholed through 3rd parties.
Always remember, kids: Slavery is still legal in the United States; why do you think they have 25% of the entire world’s incarcerated people there?
For cheap, slave labor.
Isn’t America great?!
Your post reminded me of being 10 when 9/11 happened. The amount of racist hate that I saw on a daily basis is absolutely disgusting to me. All that fuckin’ nationalism really turned a lot of people into monsters. Even me.
Shit, I remember a friend of mine who was suspended for calling a Muslim girl a “sand n*”. All my dumbass 12 year old friends, including me, going on about freedom of speech. Fuck. I fucking hate Amerikkka, bro.
Harris didn’t have to run on us having the most lethal military in the world, but she made that choice.
It’s on her and establishment democrats at large.
I don’t believe Democrats would have been any more humanitarian, they just take longer to do their killing. Just look at Gaza, that happened under a democrat. A gigantic demolition site sponsored by Biden.
By that same thought process, don’t expect civility when you’re making fun of and disparaging people’s religions.
Just saying, you might want to think about what your advocating for and the hypocrisy behind it.
Not only that, talking about the attractiveness of this man’s wife and how her husband’s suicide might affect that. Fuckin’ gross.
Comparing actions, especially when people are so fervently against one side, is not tired. If you’re going to “call something bad”, you’d better look inward and make sure your heart isn’t wrapped in hypocrisy.
Also being able to do it indoors without practically any negative side effect doesn’t help lol
It’s not shilling, it’s nuance. American main stream thinking is full of lies about both China and Russia. And both conservatives and liberals HATE when people don’t fall in line.
Or even a democrat. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called a tankie, by liberals, for simply not adhering to status-quo ideology.
He’s American, of course he dreams of murder.
They didn’t stop to think: what if people don’t want to vote for genocide? Oh well, we won’t give them that option because genocide is an American value. See: native Americans.
You’re posting pictures that YOU YOURSELF don’t even know the context of.
Post the video, pussy. Do it.