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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Someone will come along to call me a bootlicker

    It’s me. I’m here to call you a bootlicker. Ya bootlicker. No one works hard enough to earn a billion dollars, simple as. He got as wealthy as he did by employing the usual monopolization tactics. Such as undercutting his competition to drive them out of business. There’s also the whole thing about Amazon barely paying taxes, exploiting and abusing their workers, union busting and horrible conditions things too. Among many, many others. Using his ill gotten gains to then expand vertically and horizontally (shipping infrastructure and AWS for example) are also common tactics utilized by companies aspiring to be a monopoly to keep their overhead low and further eliminate competition. Amazon should have never been allowed to get this big. Amazon and Jeff bezos are only as big as they are because of a corrupt system that didn’t rein them in.

    Also, billionaire philanthropy is a tax dodging scheme that rarely, if ever, does what it’s “supposed” to do

  • What do you think of the fact that the GOP is responsible for the vast majority of overspending the US does? They consistently drive up the national deficit every time they’re in a position to do so. They deregulate and remove the teeth from federal agencies, bitch about how ineffective the government is at dealing with things, deregulate more, cut taxes for the wealthy, drive up taxes for the poor and middle class, and then shovel our money into the Pentagon. If you were actually compelled by small government and less spending, you’d be voting democrat every time. They’re the only ones that actually reduce spending on a federal level

  • The political climate in china is a lot more complicated than we in the west generally understand. I’ve been trying to wrap my head around a lot of the pro-china stuff I see in online left spaces. I don’t feel prepared to make any for or against points in regard to China, but when you start asking more precise questions about Chinese government and society it becomes easier to see the bigger picture. Economically, they’re very odd, but a lot closer to a socialist economy than the US or Europe is. My biggest criticisms are social issues, the Uyghur concentration camps, LGBT rights, the COVID lockdowns, etc. But to simply call them fascist is incorrect

  • There shouldnt be any middle ground on the statement “trans rights are human rights”. If you think there’s room for compromise on the oppression of marginalized groups then you’re either a lost cause or willfully ignorant of the world around you. People that are in a safe space, specifically dedicated to them and people like them, have no obligation to educate or entertain disingenuous “discourse” about whether or not they should be allowed to exist.