• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023

  • 7heo@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Bourgeoisie
    5 months ago

    You know that repeating what you’re being told verbatim isn’t an argument, right? I have a hunch you’re not really clear on the meaning of the word “substance”… Parroting concepts defined in books, without the actual substance from the book, or without your own interpretation, is about as useful as a page number without a title…

    So far, aside from vague conceptual buzzwords, you have contributed nothing else than “I know you are, but what am I?”.

    So, again, let’s cut short, this ain’t Mario, I don’t have several lives to try again. Thanks.

  • 7heo@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Bourgeoisie
    5 months ago

    I only downvoted you because I very honestly find your rhetoric dangerously wrong.

    I have nothing personal against you, but you unfortunately answered nothing of substance, so I will elect to agree to disagree, and stop wasting each other’s time. 🙂

  • 7heo@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Bourgeoisie
    5 months ago

    There are 2781 billionaires. That’s it. 2781. Saying they are a subset of the bourgeoisie is like saying that saying that a blade of grass is a subset of a forest.

    Technically, one could argue that a single molecule in a forest is a subset of the forest, but by any rational standard, a subset of something needs to exhibit similar properties. It needs to be relatable.

    And compared to billionaires, the bourgeoisie isn’t different from any of us. They are pawns, they are poor, and they are negligible.

    The actual bourgeoisie, as in the texts you probably have read, and take this concept from, is a thing of the past. It is gone. In our modern world, their wealth has to be extracted differently, but it has to be extracted too.

    The discrepancy between billionaires and the rest, in wealth (US$14.2 trillion out of US$110 trillion - the Gross World Product, GWP - (or 12.91%); or out of US$184 trillion - the world’s GDP in terms of PPP - (or 7.72%)), or in demographics (2781 people among 8100000000 (or, 0.000034%)) is making them a glitch.

    To illustrate my point better (or at least try to), if we were to divide the entire planet according to that monetary value, each of those billionaires would own between 0.02‰ (GDP) and 0.05‰ (GWP) of the entire planet, on average. That’s equivalent to slices of the planet of 36 arcseconds (GDP) or 1 arcminute (GWP), on its entire latitude, and up to its rotation axle, per billionaire. Those would respectively correspond to slices 1.11km or 1.86km wide at the equator, or 789m or 1.31km wide at 45° latitude.

    So, they are not part of our system, of the stupid LARP we all decided to play. They are on the side of it, exploiting it and making friends with the admins. They are not different from 14 year olds who found an infinite money glitch in an online game and keep pressing the fucking button over an over as if it would stop their parent’s divorce.

    Eliminating class distinctions will not eliminate the existence of the billionaires. They will still have the same wealth, and so, the same power, because their wealth, or power, does not come from their status, as it used to; or as it does in the literature you are very likely (given the Marxist Leninist roots of this corner of the internet) basing yourself upon. It comes a psychotic abuse of systemic glitches.

    Almost none of the literature you can find on the subject of classes will account for this. It is all so outdated it is irrelevant.

    More than irrelevant, it is critically dangerous. Saying that “eliminating classes distinctions eliminates the existence of billionaires” is not just wrong: it is giving billionaires an opportunity to gaslight us further by pretending not to be the problem.

  • 7heo@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Bourgeoisie
    5 months ago

    The bourgeoisie is bad.

    But the real problem are the billionaires.

    Don’t mix the two, killing all the bourgeois will not help us now. I’m not saying it should be off the table, I’m saying it would be a red herring the billionaires would likely employ to save their asses.


    Alternatively, tax all worth beyond 1 billion at a 100% rate, and kill no one.

    Let’s see which happens first…

  • 7heo@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlWhat distro should I use on my potato?
    5 months ago

    Note: this comment is long, because it is important and the idea that “systemd is always better, no matter the situation” is absolutely dangerous for the entire FOSS ecosystem: both diversity and rationality are essential.

    Systemd can get more efficient than running hundreds of poorly integrated scripts

    In theory yes. In practice, systemd is a huge monolithic single-point-of-failure system, with several bottlenecks and reinventing-the-wheel galore. And openrc is a far cry from “hundreds of poorly integrated scripts”.

    I think it is crucial we stop having dogmatic “arguments” with argumentum ad populum or arguments of authority, or we will end up recreating a Microsoft-like environment in free software.

    Let’s stop trying to shoehorn popular solutions into ill suited use cases, just because they are used elsewhere with different limitations.

    Systemd might make sense for most people on desktop targets (CPUs with several cores, and several GB of RAM), because convenience and comfort (which systemd excels at, let’s be honest) but as we approach “embedded” targets, simpler and smaller is always better.

    And no matter how much optimisation you cram into the bigger software, it will just not perform like the simpler software, especially with limited resources.

    Now, I take OpenRC as an example here, because it is AFAIR the default in devuan, but it also supports runit, sinit, s6 and shepherd.

    And using s6, you just can’t say “systemd is flat out better in all cases”, that would be simply stupid.

  • 7heo@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonegenerulesity
    6 months ago

    Hey, for what it’s worth, I appreciate your efforts to remain nice with an insufferable old man yelling at clouds. Thanks 🙏

    And I’m not arguing for the sake of arguing, this stuff is actually being read by more people than we know. Correctness matters. Even if that makes me beyond annoying to you.

    I hope you have a great day and I wish you all the best. 🙂

  • 7heo@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonegenerulesity
    6 months ago

    You’ll get a lot farther with people being kinder in their corrections of your incorrect presumptions if you vibe check yourself and cool it with the providing the enlightened eurobrain takes.

    I don’t know that my “presumptions” were incorrect. And I don’t care much for kindness when we’re talking about a system that takes from the poor to give to the rich.

    I know the north american tipping system is a top-down broken trash fire. You’ll find that I never actually endorsed the system, just commented on the reality of it. It’s possible for someone to acknowledge how something works (“how it works” =/= an endorsement of functionality) while understanding that the system itself is negatively impactful to those inside it

    Oh, and I’m pretty sure a vast majority of the upvotes you got on your comment are from people who actually think it does work.

    Because, yes, “how it works” is an endorsement. I would never say “how burning coal to reduce CO2 emissions works”. It doesn’t.

    “How it is supposed to work”, or “how it is designed”, aren’t necessarily endorsements, but, yeah, again, nobody said that, and people really think it works: they think they are getting lower prices as customers, which they aren’t, and that somehow, deciding themselves how much the service worker should take home is both a good idea and something that lets said worker have a fulfilling life, which it absolutely isn’t.

    Now, essentially, to break things down a little and reduce the amount of goalpost moving:

    user “Zron” wrote that I didn’t understand “how tipping works”, which in actuality meant “how handling the cards happen over here”, which is an entirely different thing.

    Any monkey can tell “how tipping works”, that’s why the system is currently used. You take a price, multiply it by 1 + (tip/100) and you pay that. The seller gets more money than they were supposed to. And that is the way it works on the entire planet.

    So the discussion at hand is about two separate topics:

    1. How means of payment get mismanaged.
    2. The “custom” of paying someone slavery wages, and expecting them to coerce random people into giving them enough money not to die.

    So I’ll answer in two parts:

    I - Mismanagement of means of payments

    This reflects a different view on trust. In Europe, different countries have very different customs about trust management and means of payments. For example, while, in Germany, you legally have to go to the police station within weeks of moving in a new place, to declare your new address, and have your German ID card show your current address always; in France, people have random addresses on their ID (where they were born, or where they lived years ago), and no one knows where anyone lives. As a consequence of that, in Germany, you only have to show your ID, but in France, you need to show recent invoices tied to your address (from the electricity or gas company, for example). Anyway, I digress.

    I’m not an American, so someone else is free to correct me, but most of the US is still being introduced to chip cards. I believe there’s still places where it’s not exactly uncommon for the server to swipe for you.

    Yeah so that is somewhat news to me. I’m aware of the “waiter swiping your card for you, it getting declined, and the waiter cutting your card in two” trope. I never realised that chips on cards were a European thing.

    My point here is: your money, your means of payments. If you give those to someone else, then, practically, for all intents and purposes, it is their money.

    They could overcharge you. They could copy your card’s information and buy stuff online at a later date. They could sell that information to brokers on the dark net. Why would one do that?? Why???!

    II - Paying people slavery wages

    if you can’t afford having employees, then don’t.

    Yes… I agree. I never actually endorsed the north american system though?

    I believe you didn’t intend to. I also believe a lot of those who upvoted you totally think you did.

    When you write things like:

    why would you start talking authoritatively on the deranged state of North American tipping culture when you dont seem to understand how it works?

    It totally means:

    1. “It works”
    2. You (meaning me) do not understand cross multiplication
    3. You (meaning me) are talking out of your ass

    When all those 3 things are false.

    I was missing information on how bad exactly it was with the mismanagement of people’s means of payment (which I addressed above), and this is the only part that can be construed as me “not understanding” something (even tho, that would be incorrect: “understanding” and “knowing” are vastly different concepts, and not knowing someone is stupid doesn’t mean that you do not understand what stupidity is).

    See, my issue with all this, is: in my view, the only appropriate way to react to that system is to trash it. Anyone being even neutral to it kinda means some level of acceptance to me.

    It is bad. Destroying families bad.

    Oh, and:

    But then, you are legally allowed to literally kill them, right?

    Holy bad faith Batman

    Not “bad faith”. Just a totally unrelated, other American thing that I also hate. Gun violence. I added it as a cheeky joke, I never meant for it to be taken seriously in the present context, but it is still very real. Why is it still a thing, I will never understand. That, you can say, I do not understand.

  • 7heo@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonegenerulesity
    6 months ago

    Credit card isn’t a bank account, it’s a line of credit. you can freeze credit and charge it back for fraudulent purchases.

    Tell me you have never lived outside of North America without telling me you have never lived outside of North America.

    I do have a credit card, but I do not have a “line of credit”. In fact, I didn’t fucking know what it was until today. I didn’t even know it existed.

    See, the way it works for me, is: I have money, and the credit card lets me buy something without charging it immediately to my checking account. My balance still displays the sum of the positive amount of my checking account and the negative amount of my credit card. So, for example, let’s say I have 10k on my checking account, and use 2k off of my credit card, my balance will be 8k. It lets me go “in the virtual red” for 2k I think, and only until the day of the month where the money is transferred from my checking account to my credit card account. This allows for a certain flexibility with paying dues on time, even when you haven’t been paid yet. Even if I had 0 on my checking account, I could use my CC for paying various stuff, and THEN get paid for a job, without any fees of any kind. That’s the point. There’s no “score” or “line” or whatever scam designed to make people fail and then charge them insane fees and interests so they can’t get back on their feet, and end up being bled for the rest of their days.

    I guess you never buy anything off the internet then either.

    Wire transfers are instant. And if not that, then there are cryptocurrencies. Slightly slower, but still very usable.

    And no, I do not buy stuff online very often. I pay mostly on invoice.

    And if you do buy off the internet, you should use credit, as it’s much safer to freeze a credit card than your entire bank account if your card gets leaked.

    Yeah so, I don’t wanna use a CC online. Other means of payment are just so much better.

    Also don’t get why you’re being so hostile to a comment that’s simply explaining how a different works. Must be a European thing.

    Because the concept of “tips” in the US isn’t a thing that “works”. And just like with “union busting”, we’re not too found of toxic “customs” being sold as “normal”, and eventually ending up creeping over. Some of the stuff is better in the US, some of the stuff is better in Europe. But for the stuff that is undeniably better in Europe, please don’t try and fuck it up?

  • 7heo@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonegenerulesity
    6 months ago

    I don’t know how doing heroin works, but I still know it’s terrible idea.

    Besides, North America doesn’t own the concept of “tipping”. You own the concept of perverting it into abuse, yes, but we do have (relatively sane) tipping over here. Which I do know about. But I guess you wouldn’t know that, buddy, because the world revolves around North America, eh?