I’d try one for $29.99, that’s about it though.
I have fleas. https://www.gradyp.com
I’d try one for $29.99, that’s about it though.
good, I’m glad. I saw it in the theater and the biggest thing I took away from it was an appreciation for not having overdone it. just a fun, nostolgic take on an old halloween classic with ultimately low stakes. hit just the right note as far as I’m concerned.
still 100 million is a lowered budget. sheesh.
I am a huge fan of immich, been running it for quite a while, it started as just phone photo backup but it’s good enough that I’ve made it my primary photo repository (fully backed up of course). I will absolutely pay for a license but count me as one who doesn’t really like the terminology used.
I would happily put a donated or supporter badge to show off, but the unlicensed just feels a bit wrong. I have no trouble paying for software, especially as useful as immich, but in the enshittifying world we live in, such language gives one pause.
I would love to try one. Not for $3500.
Someone after my own heart… Debian for my servers, lmde for my laptop, the way it was meant to be.
I used to make the same arguments but I’m middle aged now, have been supporting the left, volunteering, knocking on doors, donating, etc. for over 20 years now; but in all that time, shit has only gotten worse. I’m saddened every day what I’m leaving my children and it makes me feel awful to know that they will be fighting all the same fights I have and even more. I’m definitely no turnip supporter but I no longer believe that there will be any functional difference regardless of who wins. The ship is going down no matter who is captaining.
I would hold my nose and vote once again but even the best possible outcome is still a shit sandwich I’m not willing to take another bite of. So, I’m out, and yes, I do know that’s what they want, I just don’t care anymore.
yeah, this one has broken me, there’s no way I can support anyone who’s currently running. I’ll probably write in myself which I know is a waste but I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter anyway. we get to choose between genocide and the death of the nation, or take the comedy option on the guy who drove his wife to suicide while high on heroin to, I don’t know, give the brainworms something to do while dying of mercury poisoning…
Ha! This is a glorious future we’re living in…
I have no opinion on the Star Wars/Dune debate but that is one fantastic comment. Kudos to the author, brought me quite a smile.
the internet was a mistake
not even a sports guy but it was a decent flick and has had me wondering, ever since I saw it, why Sean William Scott hasn’t had a bigger career.
Yeah, I have never really used search for that same reason, I don’t have enough to lose track of anyway.
Thanks for the reply though. I hear about jellyfin a lot and my needs are simple so I’m gonna give it a go.
Same here, although I’m still using it. It’s doing what I got it for and some of the additions are welcome (I use live TV fairly often and some friends and I are sharing libraries) but I have been concerned. What made you switch and did you find something better?
as a dad, in the market for a station wagon, there really isn’t anything as cool anymore. I still want a roadmaster (in good condition) so bad, nothing better than a huge, wood paneled boat powered by an LT1.
I’m ok with that for how I use Debian, and is its kind of intended purpose. Outdated but stable is fine for a server being that the latter is my main concern. I wouldn’t use it for my daily driver (tried that and wound up back in Windows). IMHO, Debian has no GUI.
haven’t seen than one. thanks, adding it to the collection :).
between lemmy, mastodon and my own nerd projects, I’m having more fun on the internet than I have since the 90’s. so, while I hate the enshittification, the side effect has been me rediscovering what was so fun in these tubes…
Incorrect, the hyperloop always had precisely one purpose, for which it likely was pretty successful: https://jalopnik.com/did-musk-propose-hyperloop-to-stop-california-high-spee-1849402460
truth be told, the only reason I would be even remotely interested in the device is the stupid laser projector. Seems like that might be fun to play with.