I usually go a minimum of 1 year before seeing any family member at all, maybe will see my uncle every few years or a sibling. I think the longest is about 10 years with my father and 15 now with my mother.
15 years for my dad 10 years for my brother’s 5 years for my mom
Depends on how you define family. Childhood family, going on 5 years and it’s gonna be longer.
Currently… Not long enough.
Fucking same.
I don’t want to hate them, but how could I do anything but hate people who voted for the fascist nazi in charge of the US?
Back before I started working for myself, I often couldn’t get my job to approve time off, so I would go a whole week during the holidays when my wife and kids went to visit their grandmother. That’s not really a problem for me anymore though, since I write my own schedule.
My last family member (mother) died 12 or 13 years ago. Been alone since then.
In person: 2 and a half years. I have moved hemispheres.
I suppose it will now be zero days as I am married and I see my wife every day.
Immediate family? 5 years and counting. Moved across the world and haven’t been back since. I’m planning to visit for vacation in the next year or so though.
I guess for me would be 3-4 months in covid lockdown, 2020. I live by myself in proximity to family, but some of that family were vulnerable so I wasn’t taking any chances. Not a nice time.
13.787 ± 0.020 billion years
Or about half a year if we’re only counting the time during which I’ve been alive.
The entire family?
Yeah, the whole fam damily.
I guess it depends on how you define “family”, I’m married sooooo… Never?
Early November to mid January, working from 5pm to 6am, 5 days a week. I won’t be broke for a while, neat, but I was hurting all over.