I wanted to ask this question to Americans, do you think it is ok for people who don’t have a stake in USA future to discuss USA events and politics?

I personally think it should be encouraged, but I had met a very small minority of people who think it’s not ok.

What do you think?

  • Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org
    6 months ago

    Do you think it is ok for people who don’t have a stake in USA future to discuss USA events and politics?

    To a degree. But we have enough uneducated opinions coming from inside the house that I’m hesitant to invite any more in. I follow UK and EU politics on a superficial level, but I don’t inject my opinion into it because I don’t have a horse in that race.

    • Optional@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      This is the difference, I think. So many non-American people don’t understand the particular way our political things are screwy, and when they make blanket pronouncements about it, it’s sort of a different conversation than when an American does.

      Several times I’ve discovered the person I’m arguing with isn’t an idiot or a right-wing nutjob, they just don’t know the peculiarities of American politics, because they’re not American. Like how unlimited money is allowed to pour into campaigns and are essentially bribes. Or the revolving-door lobbying that happens. Stuff like that.

      Idiots and right-wing nutjobs abound here so it’s always a little disconcerting to have to say, “Oh. Oh, sorry, I thought you were a voter and that’s why I cared so much that you had all the information. No, if you’re not American, we can just agree [whatever the thing is] is [stupid] and leave it at that”