Your worst still friendly friend
This is especially rich coming from a guy who lives in an area famously known as Billionaire’s Row where monthly rent would likely be north of $10,000. He’s also the founder of Buttonwood Development and Town Residential, two real estate companies that are worth quite a bit of money. Even if he paid $18 to visit his kids every single day, that’s only $6,500 or so per year. He probably spends more than that on a bottle of wine at dinner. The man just doesn’t want to walk even though we know walking is good for longevity, and the ultra-wealthy are obsessed with longevity.
I don’t mean to be pessimistic, but “Nobody cares about your protest” seems true. Fuck cars BTW
Another car used as a weapon, but politicians will still turn a blind eye to it!
One of my colleagues almost got hit recently, apparently he was crossing a pedestrian crossing, a woman was speeding up. He just had time to jump to the side! The woman was accompanied by a young woman (probably the one who alerted the driver) , they stopped and asked him “are you okay?!” after the driver told him she was sorry, that she hadn’t seen him -_-…
He told me that he had the reflex to jump, what would have happened with a child?
The interesting side of this story is that my colleague owns an (fucking) SUV…
I would really like there to be automatic door opening systems with door locking when an object enters a defined approach space.
In truth, I would really like there to be no more cars at all…
Let’s wish him a good recovery
Modern Robin Hood
has confessed and will be prosecuted in Vietnam
They can’t prosecute all these free pedophile millionaires (or billionaires), but there are plenty of people to prosecute enthusiasts who share intangible content. What beautiful justice!
FBI should care more about Epstein’s friends instead of having fun with digital books
This is called backpedaling.
I’m still blaming the MIT for that !
That’s standard procedure.
Thanks to let me know that !
The same process would’ve been done after a murder with a gun.
The connection with the murder by firearm was not made on the process but on the greater ease in general for the defense to defend a murderer who committed murder with a car during a trial. And the ease with which one can premeditatedly kill with a car and make it look like an accident.
On an unrelated note, I did downvote the whole article because you tacked your opinion onto it.
No problem, downvote anything you want !
So funny 😂. I really thought it was fake.
SimpleX is the future !
I would really like to put all these metal boxes where they deserve to be: in the scrapyard.
Force the children (or grandchildren) of politicians to take bikes to get around, you will see how infrastructures suitable for cyclists will quickly develop.
Anyone to help me rename the Brazil’s Ministry of Justice ? I have some ideas but people will tell me that I’m too aggressive-_-…
PhD students as well as all students of all levels need to use pirated software to fully develop their abilities.Trash this warning.
Modern heroes.
Their contributions will be celebrated in the coming centuries. ?