Depending on the app, there should be option to use server URL where you can put the server’s Tailscale IP and the port.
For Jellyfin, put the Tailscale IP when it asks for server IP and port 8096 like
You won! Blacklisting the module worked!!
Thank you!!!
xinput --disable
is not working due to Wayland
There is no option in BIOS to disable touch input.
The stackexchange solution didnt work. When I tried to set it to unbind, Im getting permission denied even as root.
Touchscreen is physically damaged.
No. The touch panel is making ghost inputs. So, I want to get a DE without touch support or need to figure out how I can disable touch input.
You can try setting up Stremio
Also check:
ya, its using SRUDB which only stores couple of months of data
I am looking for a simple lightweight app to get a historical view of bandwidth usage. vnStat shows total usage by hourly to yearly.
Definitely learned a lot.
This app would be useful if you have more than one device. If you run the monitoring application on the same device as the services you are monitoring and if the device goes down, you wouldn’t get a notification, right?